Looking at the state of the nation, I wonder which America we are celebrating this July 4th. The nation is clearly divided, and thus many Americas appear. Not all are to be celebrated.
This year has been particularly marked by disunity and vitriol. One image that particularly stands out in my mind is the shockingly bloody representation of a beheaded president that recently went viral on social media.
I do not celebrate this America. Indeed, there are many Americas I do not celebrate.
I do not celebrate an America which applauds such gruesome portrayals of those they disagree with. Some may claim such depictions are expressions of freedom. However, such violent portrayals represent a horrific abuse not a healthy expression of freedom. This action and others like it deliberately offend, divide and terrorize the nation by breaking all standards of decency and morality that are the foundation of our unity.
I cannot celebrate an America that distorts the concept of freedom so as to give free reign to the most disordered and enslaving passions. I cannot applaud an attitude that installs immorality as the norm and has consequences everywhere. Thus, I cannot look on indifferently as this twisted abuse of freedom leads to the killing of the unborn, the destruction of countless families, and the shattering of so many communities. It is only logical that I oppose this attitude since it is leading to the self-destruction of the nation I love.
Finally, I cannot celebrate an America in which a deformed concept of freedom has come to mean a denial of reality itself. Political correctness rules over us with oppression and cruelty. People now self-identify as that which they are not and force all of society to conform to them. Such abuses lead to a dangerous regime that threatens to make reality whatever people fancy it to be with official sanction from government or Supreme Court.
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All of these Americas involve the abuse of freedom that impacts upon society as a whole. I cannot celebrate all these so-called freedoms because they soon become tyrannies. We have seen how those who cry out most against intolerance are also those who will not tolerate any opposition. They will not rest until they have triumphed over those who freely voice their objections. Indeed, we are already feeling this tyranny in cases in which people are forced to act against God’s law for failing to accept same-sex “marriage” or transgender bathrooms. The final goal of this America is a land of no restraints that punishes all dissent. Everything must be allowed, and all must not only accept but celebrate the fantasies of others. It is only prohibited to prohibit.
The America I and countless others celebrate, is different. It is an America of ordered liberty. This America recognizes that freedom is only maintained when enslaving passions are restrained by strong moral principles. Thus, I celebrate those “Ten Commandment” Americans who still uphold a moral law that says objective right and wrong exist. They believe correctly that America will only be great if she is good.
I celebrate an America that grieves for the nation because we are going down the path to ruin. I further celebrate those Americans who act upon their grief and have the courage to say no to the politically correct commissars who artificially rule from their media seats of power. This America defends those institutions of family and faith that are so vehemently attacked.
I celebrate an America that sacrifices for values that are worth more than life itself. For this America, heroism is not an empty word. It respects, admires and applauds Americans who have served, shed their blood and offered their lives so that truth, good, and true freedom might prevail.
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Finally, I celebrate an America that prays. It corresponds to those Americans who rise above the materialism of our day and turn to Heaven for aid. These recognize that natural solutions have failed and we must appeal to God if we are to survive.
In celebrating the America that represents these attitudes, I do not wish anyone harm. It is a principled stand devoid of all personal hatred or prejudices. It targets no one person but rather vigorously reaffirms those perennial values that never die and will ensure the survival of the nation.
I believe there is still much to celebrate in America today. We stand at a crucial fork in our history and the future will be decided by the answer to the question: Which America do you celebrate this July 4th?
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