There Is More to the Metric System Than Meters

There Is More to the Metric System Than Meters
There Is More to the Metric System Than Meters

As time passes, the metric system dominates the modern world country by country. Its quasi-universal acceptance might lead people to think everyone is partial to it. However, the relatively modern metric system is in place in all but three countries. Those who prefer the supposedly outdated British system for official use are the United States, Myanmar and Liberia.

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Reasons favoring the switch vary. Scientists and mathematicians like its uniform conversion rates. All conversions are simply a matter of adding and subtracting zeros. Fewer conversion rates reduce their cumbersome memorizing. Others argue the near-universal acceptance of the metric system facilitates the building of global systems. The British system divides nations and hinders standardization.

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Thus, the need to change seems like a no-brainer. It is a case of scientific progress versus “archaic” medieval backwardness.

However, not all agree. In Canada, longings for the foregone British system are evident. Despite being officially metric, the traditional British system is growing in unofficial use. Such dissatisfaction illustrates that the issue extends beyond widespread use and workability. Many people find it easier to think in terms of organic measurements developed over time rather than the arbitrary metric units created in the laboratory.

Groups who refuse to adopt the new standard are accused of sentimental attachment, selfishness and hostility towards change. Their “emotionalism” is denounced as a barrier preventing international standardization.

Champions” of the metric movement have made it their mission to force it on the few remaining “holdouts,” specifically the United States. Such determined and even aggressive behavior only highlights the issue’s importance. It is more than a mere coincidence that the push for metric comes mainly from the left, while the resistance emanates from conservatives. There is more to the metric system than simply meters.

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A Product of the French Revolution

One aspect of the metric system, which cannot be ignored is its atheistic origin. French scientists developed it during the infamous Enlightenment. The French Revolutionary government made it the official unit of measurement in 1795, only a year after its Reign of Terror ended.

This switch aimed to change the culture entirely. The French Revolution made many such changes, replacing old systems used in the Ancien Régime. Other “innovations” include a new calendar, clock, and legal system. Many of these failed since they were artificial and contrary to custom. People could not relate, for example, to metric 100-minute hours.

These mechanical changes sought to eradicate any remnants of Christian civilization. However, the official reason was that all was done in the name of “scientific progress,” an atheistic mindset that dominated nineteenth-century France. During this time, the Church in France faced confiscation of property, slander and persecutions, often justified in the same name of “science.”

France’s egalitarian and atheistic errors spread to other nations and included the imposition of the metric system. Many eventually adopted it as a concession of being modern and scientific.

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The Catholic Church and Science

It must be said that the Church has always supported true scientific advancement. Many modern advances in mathematics, law, medicine, astronomy and geology have their origins in medieval Catholic universities across Europe. At the same time, the Church cultivated the flowering of rich culture and customs.

While the Catholic Church studied science as a means of understanding the order of the Universe created by God, modern-day researchers see science as means of describing a purposeless and ever-evolving world.

Modern science has unfortunately adopted a markedly atheistic mentality. It often ignores the spiritual needs of people to express themselves in cultural ways, including the manner of measuring things.

Thus, there is much pressure upon the United States to abandon its “nationalistic pride and traditional resistance to outside influences.” Even though Americans feel comfortable and prefer the British system, the left resists this attachment to tradition. To move towards internationalism, some argue America must make this “symbolic integration” with the rest of the world.

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The First Step to Globalism

Such a demand clearly favors globalization and international standardization. For the left, being different is only acceptable within the frameworks of gender ideology and critical race theory. Everything else must be uniform. Advocates for the ubiquitous use of the metric system also advocate for other worldwide adaptations, such as universal currency, law, language and government.

Such standardization results in the dissolution of culture developed over centuries by the Church and familial tradition. Organically developed customs represent a cultural richness contrary to the egalitarian blandness found in the globalist agenda.

The American use of the British system shows that it can be used successfully in a modern economy. There is no reason why it must be sacrificed on the altar of globalism.

An Issue of Great Proportion

Thus, the debate continues as even countries which have adopted the metric system like England and Canada are questioning its imposed use. The pressure to conform leads one to suspect that the real issue is not just practical measurement.

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The total imposition of the metric unit system would represent a blow to the cultural expression of countless Americans and others. Such warm organic measurements are reassuring in a world that is cold and mechanical. The debate might seem petty, but issues like these are important in the face of the leveling egalitarianism of postmodern society.

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