Protesters Mobilize Against Box Office Failure Benedetta

Protesters Mobilize Against Box Office Failure Benedetta

The film Benedetta was released nationwide on December 3 during the holy season of Advent. Traditionally, the faithful prepare for the Holy Day of Christmas during Advent. However, one way of preparation has been a corresponding wave of protests to meet this blasphemous film. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property … Read more

Why the Movie Benedetta Is Blasphemous And Anti-Catholic

Why the Movie Benedetta Is Blasphemous And Anti-Catholic

Benedetta, an anti-Catholic and blasphemous film, will be released in the United Sates on December 3. Dutch filmmaker Paul Verhoeven claims the film is a portrayal of a historical event that supposedly happened in an Italian convent in the seventeenth century. The director, who is known for his violent and erotic films, will insert in … Read more