Americans and Austrians Unite to Protest Blasphemy in Linz

Americans and Austrians Unite to Protest Blasphemy in Linz

On June 27, 2024, the unimaginable happened. A blasphemous statue depicting Our Lady half nude giving birth to Our Lord was featured in an “art” exhibit – at a Catholic cathedral in Linz, Austria. The statue is pornographic. It mocks the purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary by exposing her intimate body parts in the … Read more

Why We Protested Against a Blasphemous and R-Rated “Circus”

Why We Protested Against a Blasphemous and R-Rated “Circus”

America Needs Fatima supporters recently held a rally of reparation and protest in Topeka, Kansas. The target was a strange traveling event called “Paranormal Cirque.” Local news stations favorably covered the July 7-9 event like a normal circus. The local activists soon discovered there was nothing normal about this “paranormal circus.” The show was R-rated, … Read more

Pope Francis Enthusiastically Greets Andres Serrano of “P*** Christ” Infamy

Pope Francis Enthusiastically Greets Andres Serrano of “P*** Christ” Infamy

Over his ten-year pontificate, Pope Francis has scandalized the Catholic faithful through actions and words contrary to Catholic doctrine and morals. Here are some examples: He has welcomed warmly and supported unreservedly people living in public sin, such as homosexual and “transgender” “couples,” and appointed ecclesiastics who support them to high positions in the Church.1 … Read more

Supernatural Forces Clash at Dodger Stadium

Supernatural Forces Clash at Dodger Stadium

“[The present] crisis… spreads or unfolds, by the very order of things, in all powers of the soul, all fields of culture, and, in the end, all realms of human action.” These words were written sixty-four years ago by TFP founder Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, in his great work Revolution and Counter-Revolution. Order Today: … Read more

President Biden Blasphemes Against the Faith

President Biden Blasphemes Against the Faith

President Joe Biden seemed to have reached the extreme limits of denying Church teaching with his aggressive promotion of abortion at every opportunity. After the Dobbs decision, the “Catholic” president has worked tirelessly and fanatically to sabotage the efforts of countless pro-life Catholics. To the scandal of so many, he has no fear of punishment … Read more

Why the Movie Benedetta Is Blasphemous And Anti-Catholic

Why the Movie Benedetta Is Blasphemous And Anti-Catholic

Benedetta, an anti-Catholic and blasphemous film, will be released in the United Sates on December 3. Dutch filmmaker Paul Verhoeven claims the film is a portrayal of a historical event that supposedly happened in an Italian convent in the seventeenth century. The director, who is known for his violent and erotic films, will insert in … Read more

For Pope Francis, the Holy Eucharist Is the “Bread of Sinners,” for Saint Thomas Aquinas, It Is “Panis Angelorum”

Corpus Christi is the grand and solemn liturgical feast in praise of the Blessed Sacrament. Inspired by Saint Juliana of Mont Cornillon (1193–1258), it originated in the Middle Ages. Pope Urban IV approved it with the Bull Transiturus of September 8, 1264, and asked Saint Thomas Aquinas to compose its liturgical office. Hence, we owe to Saint … Read more

Pope Francis and His Obscene Judas Painting

The Vatican Newspaper’s Rehabilitation of Judas During Holy Week On Holy Thursday, April 1, L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican’s daily newspaper, published a front-page editorial illustrated by an obscene and sacrilegious painting. It shows a naked, resurrected Jesus, caressing the lifeless head of the traitor, Judas Iscariot, who is wearing nothing but a red loincloth (see … Read more