Who Will Banish the Madmen in Education?

Return to Order Always Too Little, Too Late: The Plight of Modern Education 1

Young people get blamed for a lot of things. They’re called snowflakes for withering and melting at the least criticism or politically incorrect commentary. They are deemed irresponsible and accused of merely “adulting” when they manage to handle the life decisions typical of adults. And now the Department of Education’s latest financial report finds them … Read more

Not Everyone’s Doing It

Return to Order The Contradiction of Our Frenzied Lifestyles 2

One of the perceptions that fuel frantic lifestyles is the idea that everyone is involved in a particular fad or fashion. Especially in our mass society, the penalty for not being part of what “everyone is dong” is to risk being labeled out of sync with the times. No where is this perception more common … Read more

Praise for Return to Order — James Likoudis

Return to Order Praise for Return to Order —  James Likoudis 1

  “This is a remarkable and much needed book that focuses on the phenomenon of “frenetic intemperance” displayed in the souls of modern Americans. Lack of the cardinal virtue of temperance constitutes a disorder in the soul that is reflected in the various disorders and imbalances seen in the Republic itself. Enslavement to the disordered … Read more

Looking at Laudato Si’ in Theory and Practice

Return to Order Looking at Laudato Si’ in Theory and Practice

Ronald Reagan once said that an economist is someone who sees something happen in practice and wonders if it could work in theory. The new book, Pope Francis and the Caring Society, appears like a team of economists forced to study the encyclical Laudato Si’ in theory and then wonder if it might work in … Read more

‘Return to Order’ Now Available in German

Contact: Robert Ritchie (717) 309-1990 [email protected] ‘Return to Order’ Now Available in German HANOVER, Penn. (October 11, 2017) – The award-winning book Return to Order has been translated into German. Published by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), the translation of the work, which describes organic Christian Society, is now available … Read more

The Questionable Value of Modern Advertising

Return to Order The Questionable Value of Modern Advertising

Return to Order criticizes modern advertising for creating dissatisfaction and constantly inciting consumers with promises of bigger and better products. The book recommends the more natural word-of-mouth advertising that utilizes personal experience with products and the calm influence of representative figures, which together choose products that help form a culture. Such a perception of natural … Read more

Getting Rid of Frenetic Intemperance in Our Own Lives

Return to Order Getting Rid of Frenetic Intemperance in Our Own Lives 1

There are certain things that each of us can do personally to return to order. Our core denunciation is that of a reckless spirit of frenetic intemperance which is constantly throwing our economy out of balance by seeking to be rid of restraints and gratify disordered passions.  We have likened this spirit to that of … Read more

‘Return to Order’ Presented at Benedictine University

Return to Order Return to Order Featured on NPR’s Good Books Radio Show

On May 1, Return to Order author John Horvat II gave the final weekly seminar for seventy graduating business and accounting students at Benedictine University in Atchison, Kansas. The topic of the talk was “Return to Order: A Distinctly Catholic View of Contemporary Economics.” He discussed the current economic, moral and existential crisis and presented solutions from … Read more

Time to Stop the War on Inequality

Return to Order Time to Stop the War on Inequality

Advocates of equality are only too eager to overthrow the present economic structures in the name of fairness and opportunity. According to their logic, inequality begets a two-tiered society where moneyed interests rule, while all others languish. In this oversimplified ever richer/ever poorer scenario, some kind of action is deemed necessary to level the playing … Read more