This is the Deeper Socialist Meaning of the Stimulus Check

The Biden Administration is loudly promoting the next round of stimulus checks that will soon find their way into voter pockets. The checks are only the beginning of a string of benefits now in the pipeline. The new check will total $2,000 per person when combined with the last check. Most people welcome the freebie, … Read more

Are the Vatican and Business Leaders Working to Improve or Destroy Capitalism?

Socialism has failed worldwide because it uses the government’s brutal power to force people into its anti-natural program against private property. It also suppresses the social, economic and religious forces that are the natural defenses against its destruction. However, the ideological virus has the uncanny ability to mutate. When one plan shipwrecks, its ideologues merely … Read more

Rockefellers Push for the Suicide of Big Oil

Many correctly see the “Green New Deal” as a great government threat to the nation. The proposed legislation would introduce drastic restrictions on industry and change the American way of life. The culprit of this self-destructive campaign is a government that imposes itself on the population through lawsrules and regulations costing trillions of dollars. Government … Read more

Is This the End of our Cruise Ship Economy?

Reflecting on America’s present state, I could not help but think of a metaphor that I had used some years ago in my book, Return to Order.  I had likened the economy to that of a cruise ship on a never-ending cruise. On its multiple decks, the bands were playing, the theaters were full, the … Read more

What Happens When Bailouts No Longer Work?

The dynamics of postmodern economics defies the logic of times past. Everyone use to know that there is no such thing as a free lunch and that flawed financial acts always have consequences. Common sense dictates that national economies should function like home economies. People should not spend more than they make or take unreasonable … Read more

What Will You Remember About the Spring of 2020?

One thing, many will remember about the coronavirus crisis of 2020 is that it happened during a radiant spring. Everywhere people tell of noticing the budding trees, the loud symphony of birds and enjoying beautiful weather and sunshine.  In some way, the spring provided some solace amid the crisis. Most cannot say if the spring … Read more

How the Coronavirus Shutdown Favors Green “De-Development”

As the debate rages over stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic, most conservative opposition has focused on the damage to the economy, excessive government surveillance, or the massive increase in government debt. These are very valid and important concerns. But the coronavirus’s most enduring damage will not be a lower GDP, higher debt, or even … Read more

No One Can Oblige Us to Commit Suicide


The USNS Comfort was rushed to New York City Harbor to help care for the tens of thousands of coronavirus patients that were expected to fill the city’s hospital beds. The floating military hospital added a full 1,000 beds to the system’s capacity. The ship is now leaving, having been barely used. In New York … Read more

Government Can’t Keep Acting Like Money Grows on Trees

A trillion dollars used to be a lot of money. In the past, most people never even thought in these terms since it seemed so far from reality. A trillion was like a gazillion. Few knew how many zeros were involved. However, times have changed. Our economy has expanded, and the value of goods and … Read more

Involve All Americans in the Fight Against the Coronavirus!

When the coronavirus crisis first erupted, many private companies naturally stepped up to the plate. They saw the needs of communities and addressed them—many times free of charge. U-Haul, for example, saw the plight of stranded college students and offered them free storage place when their schools shut down. Other companies voluntarily provided sick leave … Read more