No, the Abortion Issue Did Not Lose Its Edge in the Last Elections

No, the Abortion Issue Did Not Lose Its Edge in the Last Elections

The long battle over procured abortion has been a constant psywar. The media have done their best to create a hostile climate around those defending life while seeking to give the impression that everyone supports abortion. Pro-lifers have fought back tooth and nail by presenting a vibrant, compassionate movement that contradicts this negative image. As … Read more

When There Is No Plan A, the Nation Perishes

When There Is No Plan A, the Nation Perishes

Elections are upon us. Once again, we have few good choices, and many will be voting against and not for candidates. The ordeal threatens to become a replay of elections that have come before. The slate of candidates thus far is demoralizing since it represents nothing uplifting. No new generation of brave and noble leaders … Read more

Parents Win Fierce Battles Against Radical Ideas in Miami School Board Elections

Parents Win Fierce Battles Against Radical Ideas in Miami School Board Elections

If the recent school board elections in Miami-Dade County, Florida, indicate a national trend, “woke” educators are in deep trouble. Their decades-long control of America’s public school bureaucracy is threatened. They are not yet defeated. It will take years to untangle the mess leftists have made of American education—public, private and Catholic. However, two conservatives, … Read more

Beware the Godless Narratives of the Democratic Debates

With the next round of Democratic presidential candidate debates that are scheduled for next week, Americans will not hear a discussion of ideas and proposals to solve the nation’s problems, although that should be the purpose of any serious debate. But today, debate means theater. It means posturing. Candidates must capitalize on every gesture and emotion. Above all, … Read more

The Crumbling of Certainties

Return to Order The Crumbling of Certainties

In the scramble to make sense out of the present election cycle, analysts have come up with all sorts of theories. One popular explanation claims that people are hardening in their positions. On the left and the right, all parties are holding rigidly to their agendas, forcing their will upon the rest of the nation … Read more

When the Clowns Take Over

Return to Order When the Clowns Take Over

Fear is spreading throughout the country over the sightings of strange and sinister-looking clowns in towns and neighborhoods. No one knows who they are, where they come from, and why they are appearing. All that is known is that they are “creepy.” Some clowns are trying to lure children to them causing people to rightly … Read more

Four Infallible Ways to Navigate the Winds of Crisis

Return to Order Four Infallible Ways to Navigate the Winds of Crisis 1

If there is one dominating characteristic that backlights American politics – on the right as well as the left – it is a growing sense of desperation. After nearly eight years of President Obama’s disastrous policies, the prospect of another Democratic president is simply unthinkable to most conservatives. For them, especially those activists in the … Read more

Addressing Our Fractured Republic

Return to Order The Case Against Secession 1

No one disputes the fact that the nation is polarized and coming apart. This is so evident especially in light of the 2016 election cycle. Likewise, no reasonable person can deny that we need to return to the order of social bonds that mitigate the effects of extreme individualism, especially the erosion of our national … Read more