The Dangerous Appearance of the “Cultural Christian”

The Dangerous Appearance of the “Cultural Christian”

A new figure is appearing on the political horizon that does not bode well for the conservative movement in America. That figure is the cultural Christian. For decades, culture and Christians have been associated with the Culture War centered on the hot-button issues of abortion, marriage and other moral topics. Christianity provided the dynamic component … Read more

Prince Bertrand: How Miracles and Faith Will Help Us Persevere Through These Dark Times

Prince Bertrand: How Miracles and Faith Will Help Us Persevere Through These Dark Times

The 2024 National Conference of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) took place at its National Headquarters in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania, on October 25-27. As is the tradition at the end of these gatherings, Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Breganza delivered the closing remarks. Prince Bertrand is a distinguished member of … Read more

The Mohawk Maiden: The Amazing Story of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

The Mohawk Maiden: The Amazing Story of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

No story better exemplifies the fruit of the Jesuit’s mission to bring the Catholic faith to the New World’s natives than the conversion and heroic life of the Mohawk maiden, Kateri Tekakwitha. In 1656, deep in the leafy green wilderness where the town of Auriesville, New York, stands today, an infant girl was born in … Read more

Irish Episcopal Reshuffle Highlights Decline of Faith in Nation

Irish Episcopal Reshuffle Highlights Decline of Faith in Nation

In a move that has been described as the largest restructuring of the Church in Ireland for nine centuries, Pope Francis recently moved several Irish bishops from their dioceses without appointing replacements, evidencing the decline of Catholicism in the nation. On April 10, the Holy See’s daily bulletin announced the moving of two Irish bishops … Read more

The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith

The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith

It was March of 1585. After three exhausting years spent traveling halfway around the world, Julian and his friends, all Japanese converts to the Catholic Faith, looked out on Rome. They were probably the first Japanese to gaze on the Eternal City, which seemed like something out of a dream. As they arrived, a large … Read more

Poll Finds It Takes Faith to Believe in Climate Change

Poll Finds It Takes Faith to Believe in Climate Change

Many people wonder why Pope Francis focuses so much on climate change. Indeed, two papal documents concentrate exclusively on the matter. The latest apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, bitterly complains about how the People of God have not heeded earlier warnings. The pope’s trip to Dubai’s COP28 eco-conference only highlights this dire gospel of impending climatic … Read more

The World Needs Backpack Heroes Who Seek After Beauty

The World Needs Backpack Heroes Who Seek After Beauty

The world was recently stunned by the image of a deranged Syrian man who went on a stabbing spree, attacking small children at a park in France. Perhaps even more stunning and inspiring were the actions of a young man who stood in his way armed with two backpacks . . . and his Catholic Faith. The … Read more