Taking on the Toxic Feminist Revolution

The battle against feminism is better fought by women because the public has been convinced that men are not qualified to speak about issues that affect the fairer sex. Women understand and know how to express feminine problems for a female audience even though these matters invariably affect everyone. Even so, there is no guarantee that … Read more

Women’s March Feminists Brawl Over Who is More Equal

Identity politics requires each constituent group to be politically unified. In this way, activists can claim to speak in the name of a given oppressed identity group. Feminism has always had a problem with this unity. The woman’s movement claims to represent all oppressed women everywhere. However, Christians, pro-life women, homeschooling mothers, and other women … Read more

Real Ladies Counter Feminist ‘Day Without a Woman’

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On March 8 ladies across the nation dressed up and went about their duties in an especially ladylike manner in the spirit of the slogan “Pure Goodness at Work” to counter the radical feminist strike called “A Day Without a Woman.” The counter-demonstration was dubbed “Lady Day” by Collette Zimmerman, a Catholic mother who writes … Read more

Lady Day, March 8th — “Pure Goodness at Work!”

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“The level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood.” -Archbishop Fulton Sheen Social agitators — the same who marched on Washington, DC last month in the much publicized and shockingly vulgar Women’s March — are at it again. “A Day Without Women” general strike is planned for March 8, National Women’s Day, asking women to stay home from work to show support for … Read more