A Report on the War on Patriarchy

A Report on the War on Patriarchy

What do free love, fornication, adultery, unnatural vice, Spiritism, the occult, Satanism, radical egalitarianism, revolution, socialism, communism, hatred and willful homicide have in common? The answer: Feminism. The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us is well worth reading. Author Carrie Gress traces the history of the feminist movement from the eighteenth—century … Read more

Why Feminists Feel Threatened by the Family

According to Merriam-Webster, the first use of the word feminism happened in 1893. It didn’t come into everyday use until about 1970, shortly before the disastrous Roe v. Wade decision. Its definition is relatively simple – “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” The word “equal” is easy to use, … Read more

The Feminist War on Fatherhood: Book Review of The New Politics of Sex

In his book, Slouching Towards Gomorrah, the late Judge Robert Bork wrote that “radical feminism is the most destructive and fanatical movement to come down to us from the sixties…This is a revolutionary, not reformist movement…Totalitarian in spirit, it is deeply antagonistic to traditional Western culture and proposes the complete restructuring of society, morality, and … Read more

True Femininity Will Clash with Radical Feminist Theme on March 8


International Women’s Day (March 8) is upon us once again. As they have been doing for decades, feminists will use the occasion to push their radical egalitarian, socialist and anti-women agenda. This year’s feminist slogan is Each for Equal which advocates radical and complete egalitarianism, ignores the unique, special and God-given gifts of women, which … Read more

Three Reasons Why the 2020 Women’s March Failed

This year’s Women’s March had everything going for it. An election year, the impeachment of a pro-life president and growing polarization over abortion should have served to energize the angry feminist minority. However, the March with the theme, “Women Rising,” might have been better themed “Numbers Falling.”  Less than 10,000 showed up for the January 18 … Read more

Why Feminism Is Making Women Stress Out

A new study has found that the stress of modern life is especially taking its toll on the physical and emotional health of women. The report titled Burnout Flashpoint: The Stress Epidemic Confronting American Women in 2020 was conducted for Meredith media company by The Harris Poll. The company manages television stations, radio, and magazines … Read more

Do the Feminists Have a Monopoly on the Future?

Game manufacturer Hasbro is about to release a feminist version of its perennially-popular game, Monopoly. At first glance, this story appears trivial. Major corporations have pandered to the left so often that this  remake of Monopoly seems to be, in the words of Shakespeare, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Free Book: Return to … Read more

Turning Women Into “Gestators” Is the Way to Abolish Motherhood

Turning Women Into “Gestators” Is the Way to Abolish Motherhood

The present manifestations of feminism are mere phases of a process that seeks the annihilation of women. It seems a contradiction. Feminism claims to glorify women and their accomplishments. Women’s Studies departments worldwide are supposedly dedicated to the study of women’s achievements and the denouncing of the “oppression” they have suffered over the ages. However, … Read more

The Failure of ‘Absolute’ Equality


The other day I opened a news magazine. The mannish face of a young woman stared at me from the glossy page. It was one of those faces that one could describe as almost handsome even though it was a woman’s. Yes, handsome was certainly the adjective; not beautiful or pretty, but handsome. The jaw … Read more