Is America a Brutal and Unjust Caste Society?

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents is a commentary on race in America. It minces no words in accusing the American social structure of being a caste system on par with the Indian castes and even comparable to the totalitarian anti-Jewish racism of Nazi Germany. In this time of racial unrest, the book has become … Read more

How the 1619 Project Promotes the Myth of an Evil America

The entire nation should be gravely concerned as the New York Times’s “1619 Project” worms its way into American schools, both public and private. In recognition of this risk, the National Association of Scholars recently hosted a videotaped panel discussion titled 1776 v. 1619: Two Visions for American History. Free Book: Return to Order: From … Read more

Marxism, Class Struggle and “Real” American History

It is a new day for Chicago school students. The Chicago Sun-Times relates the coming of this new dawn on June 5, 2020. “Chicago students started learning America’s real history. “Not the whitewashed history, the disjointed one that jumps from European settlers “finding” America, to a sanitized version of slavery, to the Civil Rights Movement … Read more

Truth and Art Defeated by Multiculturalism at Yale

Yale University has announced that it will discontinue a popular art course. It is one more nail in the coffin of a classical education that once dominated academia. The course in question is called “Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to the Present.” It consists of a review of art starting at 1300 down to the … Read more

Can History Cast Doubt on the Evidence of Global Warming?

A recent article in Commentary informs its readers that, “there has been no increase in average temperatures in the continental United States over the last 14 years…. If anything, overall temperatures are slightly cooler than they were.” These are not the ravings of a “climate change denier.” This information comes from an agency of the … Read more

‘C-Ville’: Statue Toppling and the End of History

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Everyone is familiar with the tragedy at C-ville in Virginia. Protesters against the removal of statues of Confederate figures clashed with counter-protesters — resulting in one death. The media have turned the event into a watershed for change. Indeed, the tragedy at C-ville has been a catalyst for many cities to remove their statues — … Read more

Ten Things to Pray For After Hurricane Harvey

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President Trump signed a declaration designating September 3 as a “Day of Prayer” for Hurricane Harvey victims. The president said that it was appropriate “during times of great need to ask for God’s blessing and God’s guidance.” Thus, even before federal funds start pouring into the region, Americans implored God’s aid. There are those who … Read more

The Growing Tyranny of the Culture-killers

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The controversy around Confederate statue removal rages. Revisionists are on the rampage with all the fury of communist mobs that want no memory of a past culture to remain. They are involved in a cultural cleansing of heroes, legends, and symbols that threaten to fragment yet more a divided nation. The wrath of the iconoclasts … Read more

Lessons From History: A Look at the English Reformation

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A true student of history learns from the lessons of the past, to understand the present and chart a course for the future. To grasp the present crisis inside the Church, a look at past episodes in history is essential. There are many lessons to be found in the timely appearance of a 1954 book … Read more

Is Modern History Really that Modern?

Return to Order Is Modern History Really that Modern?

Modernity is often presented as a negation or suppression of the past. It is considered a novel way of looking at all aspects of society. However, that vision is not based on reality. Modernity did not erase the past but actually built upon it. One of the best definitions of modern history comes from Lord … Read more