Age of Revolutions: An Exercise in Reading History Backward

Age of Revolutions: An Exercise in Reading History Backward

Some books can give the impression that everything is backward. The author holds as true all the theses that you affirm as false. The course of events that the author finds positive, you read negative. Fareed Zakaria’s Age of Revolutions: Progress and Backlash From 1600 to the Present is one such book. To anyone linked … Read more

The Three Mysteries of Vladimir Putin’s Two-Hour Talk Show

The Three Mysteries of Vladimir Putin’s Two-Hour Talk Show

Tucker Carlson’s two-hour interview with Vladimir Putin on February 8 sparked much controversy but clarified little. I would say the interview was well-framed by Putin’s early rebuke when he asked: “Is this a serious conversation or a talk show?” Order Today: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, … Read more

A Voyage in History Through a Maria Theresa Thaler Coin

A Voyage in History Through a Maria Theresa Thaler Coin

I recently attended a meeting in which someone mentioned Austria’s 1780 Maria Theresa thaler coin. The silver-dollar size piece was extremely popular and circulated all over the world. The thaler unit was also the origin of our word dollar. With so many interesting facts about the coin, I could not resist. I had to acquire … Read more

How LGBT Activists UnErase History to Fit Their Agenda

How LGBT Activists UnErase History to Fit Their Agenda

“I think somehow this idea of presenting particularly younger students with someone’s idea of an alternative family is scary to a lot of parents, because they don’t know necessarily how to explain it.” Enlisting the Emotions of the Young The source of this quote is Kathleen Barker, the program director for “History UnErased.” She is … Read more

Evaluating the Spectacular Impact of the Religious Right

Evaluating the Spectacular Impact of the Religious Right

One of the trials in being conservative is that the liberal media likes to give the idea that our actions occur in a vacuum. The more liberal the media, the more insistent is the claim that conservative action has no impact. Consequently, the more conservative the organization, the less coverage, favorable or otherwise, can be … Read more

Counsels for the Graduation Class of 2021 in an Upside Down World

The class of 2021 emerges from an upside-down year. Rarely have graduates faced such a chaotic combination of events that shattered the normality of life as we once knew it. The never-ending COVID crisis and its disastrous lockdown policies destroyed normal social life. We experienced a summer of rioting and discontent that could again reignite. … Read more

The President Jumps Into the Critical Race Theory Battle

The conflict over teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) in America’s schools – both public and parochial – is rising. At the heart of this clash are three versions of the history of racism in the United States. The Catholic View David G. Bonagura nicely expresses the Catholic vision in a recent article in The Catholic … Read more

Why do World Socialists Reject The 1619 Project?

Conservatives have attacked The New York Times’s 1619 Project as a radical falsification of American history. The project claims that America’s real founding was in 1619 when the first slaves were brought to the colonies. Historians have contested the project’s facts, perspectives and ideology. Many have declared it to be “fake history.” However, it is … Read more