Can’t You Make this Surreal World Just Go Away?

The afflictive thing about living in our polarized society is the terrifying thought that there is something permanent in our incompatibility with each other. No one desires the present unpleasantness. We sincerely wish that we could get along. However, most people want a quick fix.  They want magic buttons to push that will make the … Read more

When 500 Types of Pasta Are Not Good Enough

Paging through the food section of The Wall Street Journal, I was enchanted by an illustrated article about American chefs who are now offering a world of pasta to discerning customers. The adventure takes people beyond spaghetti, lasagna, macaroni and other familiar pasta dishes and introduces readers to the rich variations that reflect amazing regional … Read more

‘Return to Order’ Now Available in German

Contact: Robert Ritchie (717) 309-1990 [email protected] ‘Return to Order’ Now Available in German HANOVER, Penn. (October 11, 2017) – The award-winning book Return to Order has been translated into German. Published by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), the translation of the work, which describes organic Christian Society, is now available … Read more