The Recent French Elections Are a Sign of Deep Trouble for the Left

The Recent French Elections Are a Sign of Deep Trouble for the Left

What happens in France tends to influence the rest of the world. For better or for worse, it remains a bellwether country and an incubator of political ideas and trends. For that reason, the Western media closely followed the recent elections for the French National Assembly. The results left the French right bitterly disappointed, and … Read more

The Old, Gray, Catholic Left Isn’t What it Used to Be and Faces a Desolate Future

The Old, Gray, Catholic Left Isn’t What it Used to Be and Faces a Desolate Future

Leftist and progressive forces always present themselves as the wave of the future. Indeed, Marxism’s Hegelian roots postulate history as a process of clashing classes inevitably evolving forward. The Catholic left likewise frames its liberation theology and similar programs in these terms. Marxist theory is very clear about the forward pace of history. However, it … Read more

Why Does Baby Olivia Terrify the Pro-Abortion Left?

Why Does Baby Olivia Terrify the Pro-Abortion Left?

It is always tragic to see the leftists when they are forced to confront a position other than their own. They have managed to establish monopolies inside academia, the federal government bureaucracy, the news media, many professions and far too many religious and charitable institutions. Thus, leftists tend to be dismissive of those who challenge … Read more

The SAT and ACT Aren’t Perfect, But They Are Far Superior to the Leftists’ Alternatives

The SAT and ACT Aren’t Perfect, But They Are Far Superior to the Leftists’ Alternatives

“Education is the path to a better future.” This statement is widely—almost universally—accepted throughout the world. No sane person disagrees with it. Many might argue about the various components of that education, some arguing for the liberal arts and others placing greater emphasis on more practical pursuits. Others might debate the best environment for education. … Read more

What Happens When Celebrity Leftists Turn Right

What Happens When Celebrity Leftists Turn Right

The left faces a new challenge that is leaving its activists troubled. Over the past few years, many high-profile leftist figures, writers and politicians have turned right. They defected to the other side, and embarrassed leftists don’t know what to do about it. In an op-ed in The New York Times, columnist Michelle Goldberg asks … Read more

Howls From Leftists Prove Drag Queen Story Hour Protests Work

Howls From Leftists Prove Drag Queen Story Hour Protests Work

Many people say that protests don’t work or even draw attention to that which offends. Such attempts to discourage reactions can best be answered by showing the leftists’ reactions and concrete results. A case in point is the horrific Drag Queen Story Hours that invaded American libraries over the last few years. Concerned parents and … Read more

Why the Left Hates and Is Terrified by Natural Law

Why the Left Hates and Is Terrified by Natural Law

The left is taking the country to chaos through bizarre misinterpretations of the law. No longer relying upon precedent or even the strict lines of the Constitution, just about anything can be legally justified—abortion, assisted suicide, complete sexual license, new “transgender rights,” pronoun tyranny and other practices. Law is fluid and changeable to whatever suits … Read more