The SAT and ACT Aren’t Perfect, But They Are Far Superior to the Leftists’ Alternatives

The SAT and ACT Aren’t Perfect, But They Are Far Superior to the Leftists’ Alternatives

“Education is the path to a better future.” This statement is widely—almost universally—accepted throughout the world. No sane person disagrees with it. Many might argue about the various components of that education, some arguing for the liberal arts and others placing greater emphasis on more practical pursuits. Others might debate the best environment for education. … Read more

What Happens When Celebrity Leftists Turn Right

What Happens When Celebrity Leftists Turn Right

The left faces a new challenge that is leaving its activists troubled. Over the past few years, many high-profile leftist figures, writers and politicians have turned right. They defected to the other side, and embarrassed leftists don’t know what to do about it. In an op-ed in The New York Times, columnist Michelle Goldberg asks … Read more

Howls From Leftists Prove Drag Queen Story Hour Protests Work

Howls From Leftists Prove Drag Queen Story Hour Protests Work

Many people say that protests don’t work or even draw attention to that which offends. Such attempts to discourage reactions can best be answered by showing the leftists’ reactions and concrete results. A case in point is the horrific Drag Queen Story Hours that invaded American libraries over the last few years. Concerned parents and … Read more

Why the Left Hates and Is Terrified by Natural Law

Why the Left Hates and Is Terrified by Natural Law

The left is taking the country to chaos through bizarre misinterpretations of the law. No longer relying upon precedent or even the strict lines of the Constitution, just about anything can be legally justified—abortion, assisted suicide, complete sexual license, new “transgender rights,” pronoun tyranny and other practices. Law is fluid and changeable to whatever suits … Read more

The Left’s New War on the Constitution Threatens the Nation

The Left’s New War on the Constitution Threatens the Nation

For decades, the American Constitution has been both an obstacle and an aid to those who promote the liberal agenda. True to its relativist ethos, today’s left has not particular attachment to the Constitution. When the document can be interpreted to the left’s advantage, its activists are enthusiastic defenders of constitutional rights. When the right … Read more

Desperate Radicals Depict the Pro-Life Movement as a Gang of Racists

Desperate Radicals Depict the Pro-Life Movement as a Gang of Racists

“There’s a Straight Line from U.S. Racial Segregation to the Anti-Abortion Movement.” So reads a headline in the British newspaper, The Guardian. The article’s author, a professor at Dartmouth College, argues that defending racial segregation was the critical factor in the rise of the pro-life movement after the disastrous Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. … Read more

The New Civil War Over Everything

The New Civil War Over Everything

Many talk of the threat of civil war in an increasingly polarized America. The antipathy of the left for the right has certainly reached a high level of irrationality and vitriol. No area of culture and politics is exempt, as conflicts seem to have sprung out spontaneously over the past few decades, surprising everyone by … Read more