True Conservatives Will Never Be Deceived by Target’s Ridiculous Attempt to Escape Their Prideful Past

True Conservatives Will Never Be Deceived by Target’s Ridiculous Attempt to Escape Their Prideful Past

The liberal press is abuzz over Target’s decision to limit—but not eliminate—merchandise related to “Pride Month” across the 2,000-store chain. If that sounds like last year’s news to some readers, there is a reason for that. Target based its decision on the retailer’s 2023 experiences. Trying to Avoid an Old Problem Last year’s so-called Pride … Read more

Cuban Communism and LGBT “Rights” Have the Same Deep Roots

Cuban Communism and LGBT “Rights” Have the Same Deep Roots

Invited by the political left and LGBT associations, Mariela Castro Espín arrived in Italy for a speaking tour that started in Milan and Genoa and continued to other major cities. Castro Espín spoke about human rights in Cuba. Her presence among us raised a wave of criticism, even in Rome’s Montecitorio Palace, where the Chamber … Read more

Fr. Martin’s LGBT Activism Continues in Catholic circles, aided by Pope Francis

Fr. Martin’s LGBT Activism Continues in Catholic circles, aided by Pope Francis

The influence of prominent pro-LGBT Jesuit, Father James Martin, continues among Catholic circles, despite his promotion of teaching contrary to Catholic doctrine and his consistent record of blasphemies against Our Lord, Our Lady and the Rosary. One example is Fr. Martin’s regular column and position as an editorial advisor for Give Us This Day publication. … Read more

How LGBT Activists UnErase History to Fit Their Agenda

How LGBT Activists UnErase History to Fit Their Agenda

“I think somehow this idea of presenting particularly younger students with someone’s idea of an alternative family is scary to a lot of parents, because they don’t know necessarily how to explain it.” Enlisting the Emotions of the Young The source of this quote is Kathleen Barker, the program director for “History UnErased.” She is … Read more

Nickelodeon’s Pro-Homosexual Programming Pushes Ratings Down

The children’s cable television network, Nickelodeon, has gone “all-in” on its support of the homosexual agenda while its ratings have plummeted. This drastic change should be a major story. Hollywood should take action. Nickelodeon’s rating chart tells the tale. For the week ending January 15, 2017, its average audience was 1.2 million viewers. Three-and-a-half years … Read more

What Does It Mean to Be Catholic? The President, the Cardinal, and Communion for Pro-Abortion Politicians

In this age of secularism, when political life is separate from religious life, it is commendable that a United States President presents himself as a practicing Catholic and publicly participates in the Church’s sacraments. However, President Biden’s Catholicism is sui generis. He does not follow Catholic doctrine and morals concerning procured abortion and homosexual sin. … Read more

Natural Law Judges Are the Only Way to Save the Judiciary

One reason conservatives give major importance to elections is that they know the selection of judges can impact law for decades. Thus, when President Trump selected two Supreme Court judges, many hoped that the Court would shift to the right. The June 15 Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia decision dashed these hopes. What legislators could not obtain … Read more