Dignitas Infinita, a Confusing and Naturalistic Declaration

Dignitas Infinita, a Confusing and Naturalistic Declaration

After the widespread negative repercussions about Fiducia supplicans, with entire episcopates refusing to bless “homosexual couples” and “irregular couples,”1 the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has published a new document, also with the pope’s approval: “Dignitas Infinita,” the Declaration on Human Dignity (which we will refer to as DI).2 A Traditional Document? Unlike … Read more

The Missing Ingredient: An Appeal to Beauty

The Missing Ingredient: An Appeal to Beauty

Recently, Daily Wire host Michael Knowles commented that of the three transcendentals—goodness, truth and beauty—American conservatives love to frame their arguments in terms of truth, often have recourse to goodness but give little importance to beauty. It is an astute observation that greatly affects their effectiveness. However, what are the transcendentals and why are they … Read more

What is Catholic Culture? The Foundation of True Culture

What is Catholic Culture? The Foundation of True Culture

A simple definition of culture is all that enhances the human mind. However, there remains the question of what a Catholic culture is. Indeed, Catholic culture is the highest expression of culture. Culture becomes grounded on solid foundations when it contains precise notions about man’s perfection, especially the powers of the soul or how it … Read more

How to Destroy “Toxic Masculinity” With Catholic Manual for Men

Modern media make much of the concept of “toxic masculinity.” Many commentators have dealt with this pernicious idea and its damage to men in today’s society. Helping young men overcome the pull of toxic masculinity is the unspoken purpose of a new book called Manual for Men. The principal author is the Bishop of Phoenix, … Read more

Why Chivalry Is the Catholic Solution to Toxic Masculinity

“Toxic masculinity” is one of those trendy expressions that is intentionally left vague and emotional so that it might wreak havoc on society. Once limited to women’s studies department, the term has broken out of its cage and now seems to be everywhere. In these #MeToo times, everyone can claim to be a victim of … Read more

What Is a Man of Character?

Return to Order What Is a Man of Character?

At the graduation ceremony of the American TFP’s Sedes Sapientiae Institute, Mr. Gustavo Solimeo delivered the opening remarks. The June 3 event was held at the TFP headquarters in Spring Grove, Penn. Mr. Solimeo, an Institute instructor, discussed what it means to be a man of character. What is character? And what do we mean … Read more