What Comes After Liberalism? Nothing

What Comes After Liberalism? Nothing

The crisis inside liberalism has prompted many to admit its numerous problems. However, most people accept liberalism as a default because they find nothing better to replace it. Few know how to answer the stinging question: What comes after liberalism? Most replies either devise some plan within the liberal box (usually meaning more liberalism) or … Read more

Five Crucial Lessons from the Uproar over Roe v. Wade

Five Crucial Lessons from the Uproar over Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Wade is dead. The decision to overturn it represents more than the end of a bad law. It changes the moral debate in America today. The uproar over the leaked opinion that preceded the ruling and now its dramatic aftermath contains five crucial lessons that must orient the post-Roe future. The lessons started … Read more

Do not Trust ‘Originalist’ Judges that Deny Natural Law

Do not Trust ‘Originalist’ Judges that Deny Natural Law

Modern law has a distaste for natural law. The legal establishment looks upon it like a weed cluttering the legal process that deprives modern law of its moral neutrality. It sees no reason to recognize a higher natural law, written on the hearts of men, valid for all peoples and places, providing the foundation of … Read more

What Will a Post-Roe America Look Like?

What Will a Post-Roe America Look Like?

The debate over Roe v. Wade is coming to a close. Regardless of the judicial decisions still pending, the legal underpinnings of the disastrous death sentence for millions are crumbling. Abortion is de facto unavailable in vast areas of the nation because an enormous sector of the American public rejects it. And so it will … Read more

A Great Incompatibility Has Descended Upon the Nation

When we say Americans are divided and polarized, it can conjure up the image of cloth stretched to the point of ripping. However, this image does not represent everything we are experiencing as a society. Indeed, the social fabric is already torn.   The united America we once knew no longer exists. Instead, larger or … Read more

The War on Dress Codes in Schools

One of the most controversial elements in any school is the dress code. Many students will push the boundaries of the code as far as they can. Some teachers, saying something like, “I don’t care what they wear as long as they learn,” think dress codes are silly. Other teachers believe they are essential. Administrators … Read more

Can Twitter Be an Occasion of Sin?

Can Twitter Be an Occasion of Sin?

Everyone talks about the addictive aspect of Twitter but not its moral effects. Can Twitter lead to sin? Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, R.I. evidently thinks so. In a final tweet, he wrote that the social media platform had become a “distraction” to him, an “obstacle” to his spiritual life and an “occasion of sin.” The … Read more

What the Coming Uncivil War Is Really About

What the Coming Uncivil War Is Really About

There is talk of a new American civil war. Indeed, the vitriol of opposing parties is reaching levels heretofore unseen. It is especially vicious now over the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. There is nothing civil about this coming war. For now, it is still a culture battle, but it might be better labeled as … Read more