The ‘Economy of Francesco’ Repackages Radical Themes in Assisi

The ‘Economy of Francesco’ Repackages Radical Themes in Assisi

The Economy of Francesco is the name of a 2019 initiative created by Pope Francis to address the world’s economic problems. He invited “young economists, entrepreneurs and change-makers of the world” to participate in studies to explore new ideas to change how people and nations live and manage the economy. On September 24, 2022, Pope … Read more

The Pope Needs Reform, Not the Papacy

The Pope Needs Reform, Not the Papacy

As the title of Henri Sire’s book The Dictator Pope has it, we can say that Pope Francis behaves like a true despot. At the end of August (2022), he finally organized a consistory of cardinals but, in practice, muzzled them by dividing them into language groups. He only allowed a rapporteur from each group … Read more

Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth: Parallel Reigns

Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth: Parallel Reigns

Pope Francis and Elizabeth belong more or less to the same generation. The pope is eighty-five years old. The queen has just passed away at the venerable age of ninety-six. Both were marked by twentieth-century tragedies: the Second World War for Princess Elizabeth and the dictatorship for José-Mario Bergoglio. Both inherited their office; one by … Read more

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Return to Order The Twelve Days of Christmas 15

We have all heard the song, The 12 Days of Christmas, a delightful but apparently nonsensical rhyme set to music. However, it is a good deal more than just a repetitious melody with pretty phrases and a list of strange gifts. Free Book: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where … Read more