Swiss Guards Swear Their Oaths of Service to God and His Church

On May 6, the Vatican was host to the annual spectacle of the swearing-in ceremony for the Swiss Guards, with 34 new recipients making their solemn promise to serve and protect the Pope and cardinals, even to the point of laying down their lives. “I swear to serve faithfully, loyally and honorably the reigning Pontiff … Read more

Poll Finds It Takes Faith to Believe in Climate Change

Poll Finds It Takes Faith to Believe in Climate Change

Many people wonder why Pope Francis focuses so much on climate change. Indeed, two papal documents concentrate exclusively on the matter. The latest apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, bitterly complains about how the People of God have not heeded earlier warnings. The pope’s trip to Dubai’s COP28 eco-conference only highlights this dire gospel of impending climatic … Read more

Why Pope Francis’s Eco-Friendly Apostolic Exhortation Rings Unconvincingly for the Faithful

Why Pope Francis’s Eco-Friendly Apostolic Exhortation Rings Unconvincingly for the Faithful

Pope Francis’s apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, is a hard document to characterize. Exhortations are supposed to encourage Catholics in their Faith. However, this document deals with ecological issues and is addressed to “all people of goodwill on the climate crisis.” Thus, the work reads more like an eco-lamentation, a written debate, a United Nations report, … Read more

Berlin’s Archbishop Cites Amoris Laetitia in Possible Preview of Post-Synodal Outcomes

Berlin’s Archbishop Cites Amoris Laetitia in Possible Preview of Post-Synodal Outcomes

Concerns over preserving the integrity of the Catholic faith in light of the Synod on Synodality are being highlighted, with prelates already beginning to practically reject doctrine while facing no censure from the Vatican. In recent weeks, a German prelate made a lengthy announcement that had moderately little impact in the English-speaking Catholic news circles. … Read more

Pope Francis’s Tacit Approval for Belgian Bishops’ Homo-Heresy

On September 20, 2022, the Belgian-Flemish bishops’ released their “liturgy” for celebrating homosexual union ceremonies—a parody of real marriage. In a previous article,1 we wondered rhetorically whether Pope Francis would condemn the bishops’ homo-heresy. Order Today: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and … Read more

The ‘Economy of Francesco’ Repackages Radical Themes in Assisi

The ‘Economy of Francesco’ Repackages Radical Themes in Assisi

The Economy of Francesco is the name of a 2019 initiative created by Pope Francis to address the world’s economic problems. He invited “young economists, entrepreneurs and change-makers of the world” to participate in studies to explore new ideas to change how people and nations live and manage the economy. On September 24, 2022, Pope … Read more

The Pope Needs Reform, Not the Papacy

The Pope Needs Reform, Not the Papacy

As the title of Henri Sire’s book The Dictator Pope has it, we can say that Pope Francis behaves like a true despot. At the end of August (2022), he finally organized a consistory of cardinals but, in practice, muzzled them by dividing them into language groups. He only allowed a rapporteur from each group … Read more