How Wall Street Is Building an Abortion Apartheid Regime

How Wall Street Is Building an Abortion Apartheid Regime

Two of the most sacred tenets of a liberal economy are the notions of moral neutrality and free markets. Wall Street does not get involved in personal beliefs and mores because it is bad for business. As long as the right of property and contracts are respected, the classical liberal is unconcerned with clashing religious … Read more

The ‘Whole Life Movement’ Tries to Equate the Pro-life Message and Climate Change: It Fails

The ‘Whole Life Movement’ Tries to Equate the Pro-life Message and Climate Change: It Fails

On March 20, The New York Times published an article—“How the ‘Whole Life’ Movement Challenges the Politics of Left vs. Right”—in which columnist and Anglican minister Tish Harrison Warren discussed the “Whole Life Movement.” More of an ideology than an official, well-defined movement, the “Whole Life” movement initially appears to support the aims of pro-lifers … Read more

Can Sanctuary Cities Energize the Future of the Pro-Life Movement?

On May 1, 2021, the voters of Lubbock. Texas voted 62% to 38% to declare their city a “sanctuary city for the unborn.” A Triumph Rightist media, for the most part, heralded the news. The Federalist presented a triumphant tone. “Despite opposition from Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion activists’ attempts to stifle pro-life support in the … Read more

Why a Pro-Abortion Columnist Says the Movement Is in Tatters

It is always good to listen when pro-abortion feminists speak frankly about the state of their movement. It reveals the weakness of the other side and helps dispel the illusion of liberal invincibility. A recent op-ed in the British daily, The Guardian, is an eye-opener. The author is Jessa Crispin, a U.S. correspondent for the paper and a … Read more

Help Your Children Graduate? Stay Married

Children do better when their parents stay together. The above statement is obvious to pro-family advocates. While there may be exceptions to the general rule, they automatically accept that children in stable homes have a big advantage over their peers. A Cautionary Tale When I began my teaching career in the mid-eighties, I had the … Read more

A Leftist Conundrum: Who Could Possibly be Young and Pro-life?

The Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) conducts polling about the role of religion in American life. Its stated purpose is to be “a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to conducting independent research at the intersection of religion, culture, and public policy.” Its partnerships with The Atlantic and the Brookings Institution would place its political orientation as … Read more

When it Comes to Abortion, “Don’t Mess with Florida!”

When it Comes to Abortion, “Don’t Mess with Florida!”

It was a foggy morning in Ocala, Florida on February 18, 2020, which only served to accent the Spanish moss hanging lazily from the live oak trees. I saw that the parking lot for the county commissioner’s office was packed on this idyllic day with good reason. Commissioner Carl Zalak III of District 4 had … Read more