The Invincible Courage of Paulette Harlow

The Invincible Courage of Paulette Harlow

The forces of evil are arrayed against those who oppose abortion as the pro-abortion movement is employing new and crueler measures. Liberal prosecutors are now using the nefarious FACE Act to maximize jail sentences and discourage resistance. In the latest chapter in this persecution, rescuer Paulette Harlow was recently found guilty by a pro-abortion judge … Read more

No, the Abortion Issue Did Not Lose Its Edge in the Last Elections

No, the Abortion Issue Did Not Lose Its Edge in the Last Elections

The long battle over procured abortion has been a constant psywar. The media have done their best to create a hostile climate around those defending life while seeking to give the impression that everyone supports abortion. Pro-lifers have fought back tooth and nail by presenting a vibrant, compassionate movement that contradicts this negative image. As … Read more

In the Pro-life Battle, Avoid the Unprincipled Like the Plague

In the Pro-life Battle, Avoid the Unprincipled Like the Plague

Many political observers say the November 2022 elections and other by-elections were disastrous for those who took principled stands on cultural war issues. They claim Americans are tired of the culture wars. The mantra is that having rock-solid views leads to ballot defeat. Radical moderates, for that is what they are, now call for consensus, … Read more

Being ‘Pro-Choice’ Is No Longer Enough. You Must Be Anti-Pro-Life

Being ‘Pro-Choice’ Is No Longer Enough. You Must Be Anti-Pro-Life

The overturning of Roe v. Wade has highlighted the inherently anti-life nature of the “pro-choice” advocates, with abortion campaigners urging ever stronger—and more violent—retaliation against pro-lifers. With the conflict between the pro-life cause and the pro-abortion movement now so public, it appears that it is not enough to be a “pro-choicer” to join the pro-abortion … Read more

Four Pro-Life Reasons Why I Became Interested in Crickets

Four Pro-Life Reasons Why I Became Interested in Crickets

I have never had any interest in crickets beyond listening to their chirping in the summer. The insects represent a part of reality that does not significantly impact my daily life. Among so many other concerns, crickets are not high on the list of priorities. However, I was intrigued by a lengthy New York Times … Read more

Three Reflections About the Defeat in Kansas

Three Reflections About the Defeat in Kansas

The defeat of the state ballot referendum about abortion in Kansas has the liberal establishment ablaze with talk about the need to take the middle route in a post-Dobbs world. If solid-red Kansas rejects the strong anti-abortion option, they argue, the position clearly has no future. Leftist commentators claim the right must “rethink” its strategies … Read more

Amazing! Texas Insurance Company Supports Employees Who Give Birth, Adopt Children

When the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overturned Roe v. Wade, woke companies nationwide rushed to announce they would finance their employees’ out-of-state abortion expenses. A Texas insurance company had a better idea. It welcomed the Supreme Court’s ruling by announcing it would offer financial support to parents who birth or adopt children. … Read more