Which Flag Will You Be Flying on July 4th?

As the Fourth of July approaches, Americans are faced with a troubling question: Which flag will you be flying this holiday? The day should serve as an occasion for the nation to unite around its national symbol. Americans have always celebrated with patriotic displays of the stars and stripes of all sizes. This year is … Read more

Biden’s Socialist Message in the Battle of the Busts

With each passing day, President Joe Biden defines the direction of his new Administration. Optimists might hope that the theme of unity in his inauguration address would result in some gestures of goodwill toward conservatives. However, the towering stacks of divisive executive orders dash those hopes and prepare the stage for conflict. One minor gesture … Read more

How the Transgender Revolution is Destroying Schools

The “sexual revolutionaries” of the sixties and their ideological descendants are all atwitter. On August 7, 2020, in official disregard of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision guaranteed “transgender” students can use the restrooms and locker rooms for the sex of their choice. This is happening despite the rapidly … Read more

Beware! The Left Is Remaking the World Again

The seditious uprisings in response to George Floyd’s death have shaken the nation. New York Times op-ed writer Amna Akbar calls them “far different from anything that has come before.” As proof of this new wave, she points to the size of the protests and their duration. Clearly, the media’s favorable spin on the riots is unprecedented. All … Read more

Today the Police, Tomorrow the Military

The Revolution of 2020 continues. More and more calls can be heard across America asking for defunding or even abolishing the police. In ordinary and sane times, these calls would be immediately dismissed. However, if anything characterizes the United States in 2020, it is not sanity. Sadly, politicians across the nation are jumping over themselves … Read more

Why Were Witches Involved in the Protests?

The recent protests were supposed to be rallies of concerned Americans who were horrified by the death of George Floyd. However, many protests degenerated into riots that destroyed parts of American cities. Unfortunately, many capitalized on the events to present other agendas. People who have absolutely nothing to do with the issue of community policing … Read more