The Coming Presidential Primaries Will Be Full of Empty Candidates

Emptiness is defined negatively as the absence of something. It can involve structures which are not occupied or filled, as in empty bottles. Emptiness can refer to situations lacking reality, substance or meaning, as in empty pleasures. Actions can be empty when they have no consequences, as in empty gestures or threats. As the presidential … Read more

How Socialists Will Usher in a New Hell on Earth

Americans are a generous people ready to lend a hand to those in need. When God blesses us with prosperity, we naturally want to practice acts of charity to help the less fortunate. However, this charitable spirit is now threatened. There are those who hate this charity and desire to destroy the structures from which these … Read more

New Socialists, New Risks = New Green Deal

Many young people who espouse socialism never actually define it, much less examine it. Some might wonder where these youth got these strange ideas. The answer is that it reflects the ideology of modern education, which focuses on developing opinions, rather than teaching facts. This educational mindset comes from John Dewey, often referred to as … Read more

The Danger of Not Taking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Seriously

The left’s new darling is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (“AOC”). The 29-year-old congresswoman from New York catapulted into the political scene in November as the face of a new “democratic” socialism. The media hang on to her every word and fawn over every gesture. Her “New Green Deal” is the talk of the nation. Conservatives take … Read more

Why Sterile Nationalism Won’t Save Us From Globalism

Nationalism is one of those vague terms that appears when a social order is not anchored in moral certainties. The term can take on many meanings, some good, others bad because when nothing is certain, a climate of anxiety takes hold that distorts the national debate. This climate is found in today’s exhausted modernity, which … Read more

God Not the President is the Center of the Debate

The Trump phenomenon leaves many people perplexed. On the one hand, he has done many good things for the conservative cause. On the other, he undeniably gets into trouble with his unique style and tweets, many of which open him up to criticism and attack. While it is true that the president excites a temperamental … Read more

Winston Churchill, Charlie Gard, and Alfie Evans

Return to Order Winston Churchill, Charlie Gard, and Alfie Evans

It is possible to see 1945 as the watershed of the twentieth century. The fall of Nazi Germany, the capitulation of Japan, the first use of atomic weapons, the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Yalta and Potsdam conferences, and the beginning of the Cold War all happened during that epic twelve months. Within the … Read more

Imagine No Imagine

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A few days ago, the small a capella choir at the public high school in which I teach received a special opportunity to showcase their considerable skills. A local television station invited them to sing one selection which was to be telecast. The members of this choir, some of whom I teach, were understandably excited … Read more

Charlottesville: A Clash of False Alternatives

Return to Order Charlottesville: A Clash of False Alternatives 1

The events in Charlottesville have shaken the nation, and many have rightly condemned the violence at the August 12 protest that resulted in one tragic death and many wounded. Some were hesitant to make a sweeping condemnation pointing to the violence of the counter-protesters as a factor that must also be considered. Others feared that the … Read more

Dodd-Frank: Another Name for Socialism

Return to Order Dodd-Frank: Another Name for Socialism

As we sail on the choppy seas of a questionable economic recovery, we can look back upon a storm of our own making that has wreaked havoc upon our financial system. That storm is the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Enacted five years ago, the mammoth law of all laws to fix … Read more