Why Fatherlessness Is the Core of Family and Societal Problems

Several (probably apocryphal) stories about British Queen Victoria (1819-1901) tell about her ability not to see things that she did not want to see. One such tale involves a protest at Oxford University during Her Majesty’s visit. When the Chancellor of Oxford later apologized for the “unruly students,” the Queen is supposed to have replied, … Read more

Why do World Socialists Reject The 1619 Project?

Conservatives have attacked The New York Times’s 1619 Project as a radical falsification of American history. The project claims that America’s real founding was in 1619 when the first slaves were brought to the colonies. Historians have contested the project’s facts, perspectives and ideology. Many have declared it to be “fake history.” However, it is … Read more

Human Problems Demand Human Solutions, Not Socialist Ones

In the fight against the coronavirus, most governments, including some state governments in the U.S., have enacted the Chinese lockdown model for industry. The plan shuts down all “nonessential” activities, lays off workers and expands government benefits and control of society. These massive one-size-fits-all programs deliver predictably inhuman and inflexible results, typical of communist governments. … Read more

Another Nail in the Common Core Casket

A Modern Parable Imagine that you are incredibly wealthy. This is not just the kind of wealth that allows you to have a half dozen homes. It’s a fortune that you will never use in your lifetime. From your detached perspective, you can see that things in the nation are not going as you think … Read more

A Crisis Brings Out the Worst and the Best in People

Over the past few weeks, the United States has been hit hard by a crisis that is unparalleled in recent history. The coronavirus crisis is affecting all aspects of American daily life from the shutting down of local businesses to the introduction of “stay at home orders.” When institutions break down… When the crisis started, … Read more

How to Get the Schools America Needs

How to Educate an American is a collection of essays edited by Michael J. Petrilli and Chester E. Finn, Jr. that embraces a serious task. The subtitle set out its goal – The Conservative Vision for Tomorrow’s Schools. Unfortunately, this book cannot deliver something that does not exist. There is no unified conservative vision for … Read more

Education: Impossible, Preposterous and Catastrophic

“Education is the only field in which the fact that something worked fifty years ago means that we cannot possibly do it now.” During the last decade of my career in public education, I repeated this sentence many times. My colleagues in the faculty’s lunchroom must have grown tired of it. Nonetheless, it was true … Read more

New and Failed Socialist Solutions to Housing Problems

A prized asset of the left is what might be called willing amnesia. Americans tend to have limited memories. Except for cataclysmic events like 9/11,  anything that happened more than five years ago recedes into the dim mists. For instance, most have only hazy recollections of President Obamas’ statement, “If you like your healthcare plan, … Read more

Now I Understand Why Students Think They Favor Socialism

I recently joined a few colleagues debating abortion on the sidewalk at a major state university. The debate was heated and varied as we talked passionately about God, morals and absolutes. However, it seemed we were swimming in a sea of relativism where right and wrong, truth and error do not exist. A subjective vortex … Read more