Will Cellphones, COVID and Student Disengagement Destroy the Deplorable Legacy of “Progressive” Education and John Dewey?

Will Cellphones, COVID and Student Disengagement Destroy the Deplorable Legacy of “Progressive” Education and John Dewey?

A new expression is increasingly appearing in the education press—student disengagement. This phenomenon takes two forms. Disengaged students are either not mentally prepared to learn in class or stay away from school altogether. The School as Therapy “Disengaged behavior” is nothing new. “Skipping school” is a practice that is as old as the schools themselves. … Read more

How Your Child’s Teacher Becomes a Rabid Marxist

How Your Child’s Teacher Becomes a Rabid Marxist

Sometimes, I despair for the future of education. This occasional anguish was recently triggered by a videotaped lecture from a University of Michigan education professor. Her central premise was that elementary school math teachers must be constantly vigilant, lest they fall into verbal traps perpetuating racism. Free Book: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy … Read more

“Technology-Rich” Classrooms Cannot Replace Good Teachers

“Technology-Rich” Classrooms Cannot Replace Good Teachers

As any honest teacher will tell you, learning is difficult. However, teachers may only admit this truth when no one else is around. Such disclosures clash with the prevailing educational orthodoxy. In addition, learning difficulties are likely to be blamed on teachers, who thus make themselves targets. Therefore, making it easy to learn is a … Read more