Is It Time to Ban Knives, Cars and Social Life?

Is It Time to Ban Knives, Cars and Social Life?

We live in a regime where things feel unsafe. People subconsciously sense insecurity when going to places, lest they fall victim to violence or attack. It is a kind of local terrorism where rogue individuals act out their macabre fantasies and ideologies in ordinary places, whether at a political rally, a New Year’s celebration or … Read more

Why Are the American Bishops Asking that Cuba Be Taken Off the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism?

Why Are the American Bishops Asking that Cuba Be Taken Off the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism?

Question—What does the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have in common with the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, Venezuela’s Resistance and Rebellion Collective, the Communist Party of Chile and the Zimbabwe Movement of Pan-African Socialists? Answer—All of them have taken public positions advocating that President Biden remove Cuba from the State Department’s list of “State … Read more

A Symbolic Knife Attack Announces the Decapitation of the West

Two bloody beheadings by Islamic militants in France shocked the world. The French government and the media are trying to frame the attacks as only the work of isolated fanatics exposed to radicalized Islam. Such an evaluation is a mistake. Something more ominous is contained in these ghastly deeds. The crimes sent a message that … Read more

How Should America Deal with Iran? Not by Surrendering


The world was stunned on January 3 when the United States military launched a missile strike that killed notorious Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani. Even bigger than the explosion in Baghdad, however, was the debate over the use of force against Iran, and whether the attack would provoke World War III. In fact, Iran has … Read more

9/11: an Attack on America and Psywar Against Order

Return to Order 9/11: an Attack on America and Psywar Against Order

Originally posted on 7, November 2001 by the American TFP. We are faced with the nation’s first postmodern war. It is a war of networks against nations, begun with irrational acts that defy the rational imagination. It is a holy war where one side is secular, and a struggle for democracy involving a deposed king … Read more