Rome: The TFP Publishes an Essential Book on the Synod

Press release August 22, 2023 Given the Synod on Synodality convened by Pope Francis, the Associazione Tradizione Famiglia Proprietà has published a book denouncing the imminent danger of building a new Church, different from the Catholic Church as it has always existed. After a three-year phase of preparation, the XVI General Assembly of the Synod … Read more

Why ‘Return to Order’ Is More Timely Than Ever

Why ‘Return to Order’ Is More Timely Than Ever

In the aftermath of the COVID crisis, massive civil unrest and economic disruption, Americans are looking for guidance. They want to know how to navigate these uncertain waters. The solution must go beyond securing material prosperity. It must involve turning to a moral compass to return America to order. To address this need, the American … Read more

Aiming for Christendom at TFP-Louisiana Conference

Aiming for Christendom at TFP-Louisiana Conference

In an atmosphere of much faith and confidence, Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana held its 2023 Regional Conference at its headquarters in Lafayette, Louisiana, on February 18. Over 80 friends and supporters came from throughout the state and neighboring Texas. They displayed a determination to fight for the Church, come what may. The conference reflected the results … Read more

What It’s Like Fighting Abortion in Chicago after Roe v. Wade

What It’s Like Fighting Abortion in Chicago after Roe v. Wade

“Not your body, not your choice. The baby’s body, the baby’s voice!” That slogan put pro-abortion liberals in downtown Chicago on the defensive when volunteers of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) visited the Windy City on August 15, 2022. With bagpipes, banners, and pro-family leaflets, TFP volunteers stepped … Read more

Soldiers Under Mary’s Banner Battle Satan In Scottsdale

Soldiers Under Mary’s Banner Battle Satan In Scottsdale

“A man bellowed a drawn-out ‘Lucifer!’ over the roar of his motorcycle as he raced past the protest,” said Chris Dunlap, describing the scene. He was present on February 11-13, 2022, where many witnessed the clash of the powers of heaven with the forces of hell. At the Saguaro Hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona, The Satanic … Read more

How Mary Crushed Satan’s Head at Carmel High School

How Mary Crushed Satan’s Head at Carmel High School

The world is accepting things that were objectionable not long ago. In 1999, a student of Carmel High School in Carmel, Indiana, posted a scathing message against 11 teachers and staff. He called them “satanic-worshipping demons.”1 Three teachers sued the student for defamation. Back then, being called a Satanist was slanderous. The Satanic Club of … Read more

How Mary Crushed Satan’s Head at Carmel High School

How Mary Crushed Satan’s Head at Carmel High School

The world is accepting things that were objectionable not long ago. In 1999, a student of Carmel High School in Carmel, Indiana, posted a scathing message against 11 teachers and staff. He called them “satanic-worshipping demons.”1 Three teachers sued the student for defamation. Back then, being called a Satanist was slanderous. The Satanic Club of … Read more