Escaping Economic Frenzy

By Robert Stacy McCain.

Escaping_from_economic_frenzyAmerica has been on a “never-ending party cruise” for decades, according to John Horvat II, and the economic crash of 2008 was evidence that the hedonistic pursuit of consumer thrills cannot continue indefinitely. In this sense, our $17 trillion-dollar national debt stands as an indictment not merely of our federal government, but of the irresponsible attitudes of the American people, who have likewise piled up debt to fund their “unsustainable” lifestyles.

“Frenetic intemperance” is Horvat’s striking phrase for this problem, which is the central focus of his new book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society. The book has drawn praise from authorities both spiritual and secular, rangingSubscription11 from professors to bankers to archbishops. Former Attorney General Ed Meese has praised Horvat’s “analysis of how the United States has departed from the spiritual, cultural and economic precepts that supported the founding and the early history of our republic.”

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