Three Reasons Why Johnny Can No Longer Play

Three-reasons_Johnny_cannot_playPlaying is an essential element in the development of the child. It is through role playing and intense interaction with the physical world and other children that the child comes to acquire the skills needed as an adult.

But the abuse of technology is taking this activity away from children. Johnny doesn’t play anymore; he clicks and swipes at screens.

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Many teachers and educators are noticing that children who enter primary schools and even nursery schools are lacking basic social and motor skills. Such findings suggest that perhaps Johnny might benefit from a tablet-free environment. The following three areas of concern can be observed.

1. Three- and four-year-old children are appearing without the finger dexterity to play with blocks or other common toys. This is due to excessive use of computer devices.

2. Children lack the skills to socialize with other children, although they are extremely proficient at using tablets and i-phones.

3. The memories of some older children have significantly deteriorated due to overexposure to computers. They also experience difficulty in taking traditional tests with pen and paper.

Subscription11The abuse of technology has the terrible effect of preventing children from being children. Such an abuse can only have grave consequences when they become adults.

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