How Many Smart Phones Are Enough?

How Many Smart Phones Are Enough?Written by Ivan Serrano.

In today’s world, we pretty much eat, live, and breathe technology. Whether we’re utilizing our mobile phones to take us to the best burger joint in the city, shopping, managing social media, or organizing our busy schedules, there is no doubt that technology holds a permanent place in the world. While technology makes it easier to connect with others, there are times when it can be abused.

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According to the infographic below, provided by, the number of mobile phones in the world will soon outnumber the entire population on Earth. Since technology put so much power in the palm of our hands, this is hardly surprising. However, so many spend hours and hours on their devices and increasingly less in their relationships with people. As digital influence continues to grow, the line between technology use and abuse becomes much more difficult to define.

Technology is undoubtedly altering the way we communicate and interact with each other, but is it always for better or for worse?


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