On December 5, 1943, when Nazi Germany was on the cusp of defeat, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira wrote an article analyzing the National Socialist regime’s mentality. He predicted that even after the fall of the Third Reich, this Nazi mentality, which he called the Attila mentality, would continue. One manifestation would be the abortionist mentality, which is hostile to human life. Here are some excerpts from his insights at the time:
Hitler is today’s Attila. Hitler will die; like those of Balthazar, his days are numbered. But Attila will not die, for Hitler is Attila, but Attila is not Hitler. Attila is the barbarism that appears in many quarters of the modern world. Attila is neither a man nor a people, but an idea, or rather, an anti-idea. It was Attila who organized in Germany, the concentration camps, the Ordensburgen, the SS, and all the infamous apparatus of the Nazi party. It was he who tried to overthrow the altars of Christ to gather people to worship the sun in the recesses of the forests.
But if Attila suffered a severe blow with Hitler’s downfall, he will not die with Hitler or Nazism. Attila will continue to live in schools that make the apology of force, laboratories that recommend sterilization and kill the unborn, currents that claim that man is neither free nor the master of his acts, but a slave to the unrelenting bestiality of his instincts: this is what Attila is.
In Nazism, Attila showed his entire, bestial and abject face. Nazism is dead, but Attila will not die. Attila is a state of mind. As we said, Attila is an anti-idea, which is neither Hun, Germanic, Latin, Saxon, Black, Slavic, nor Japanese, but which can dominate any race from one moment to the next.
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What we need is for the spirit and soul of Christian traditions to keep living. And for it to live, it needs to feed on Life; Life is Our Lord Jesus Christ.
(Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, “7 Dias em Revista,” Legionário, December 5, 1943)
Source: PlinioCorreaDeOliveira.info
Translated by the staff of Fatima Today.
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