Why Does Baby Olivia Terrify the Pro-Abortion Left?

Why Does Baby Olivia Terrify the Pro-Abortion Left?

It is always tragic to see the leftists when they are forced to confront a position other than their own. They have managed to establish monopolies inside academia, the federal government bureaucracy, the news media, many professions and far too many religious and charitable institutions. Thus, leftists tend to be dismissive of those who challenge … Read more

What I Didn’t See at the 2024 Women’s March

What I Didn’t See at the 2024 Women’s March

What I enjoy the most about attending the annual March for Life is watching the effect it has on the right and the left. I get to witness tens of thousands of young pro-lifers like myself express their enthusiasm for their cause. I also see the despair of abortion zealots. Every year, they are furious … Read more

The 2024 March for Life: Why The Pro-Life Movement Cannot and Will Not Surrender

The 2024 March for Life: Why The Pro-Life Movement Cannot and Will Not Surrender

Hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans gathered in the nation’s capital on January 19, 2024, for the annual March for Life, marking 51 years since the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision legalized procured abortion in America. Members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) participated in the event, encouraging and … Read more

The Invincible Courage of Paulette Harlow

The Invincible Courage of Paulette Harlow

The forces of evil are arrayed against those who oppose abortion as the pro-abortion movement is employing new and crueler measures. Liberal prosecutors are now using the nefarious FACE Act to maximize jail sentences and discourage resistance. In the latest chapter in this persecution, rescuer Paulette Harlow was recently found guilty by a pro-abortion judge … Read more

No, the Abortion Issue Did Not Lose Its Edge in the Last Elections

No, the Abortion Issue Did Not Lose Its Edge in the Last Elections

The long battle over procured abortion has been a constant psywar. The media have done their best to create a hostile climate around those defending life while seeking to give the impression that everyone supports abortion. Pro-lifers have fought back tooth and nail by presenting a vibrant, compassionate movement that contradicts this negative image. As … Read more