Finding Our Knight

Return to Order Finding Our Knight 4

There are plenty of books that tell the soldier’s story and take the reader beyond media accounts by showing the human face of war. An American Knight: The Life of Col. John W. Ripley, USMC Written by Norman J. Fulkerson ISBN: 978-1-877905-41-4 Hardcover bound, 218 pages with 33 illustrations $14.95 Order today from The American … Read more

When Time Became Money

Author Douglas Rushkoff suggests that the idea that time is money came from different perceptions of looking at and measuring time. He makes the distinction between calendar-driven and machine-driven civilizations. He writes: “Thanks to the clock tower, the rhythms of daily life were now dictated by a machine. Over time, people conformed to ever more … Read more

The Tragedy of Unrepresentative Characters in Society

Return to Order Turning Vices into Virtues 2

Excerpt from the talk, “Representative Characters: Our Hope for Reestablishing Order in Society” given by Michael Whitcraft at the 2013 TFP National Conference on October 27, 2013 As I stated at the beginning of my talk, the next thing that we will deal with is what I will call, anti-representative characters. We see these spread … Read more

Trappist Monks Make the World’s Best Beer

By Luis Dufour. For many years, Westvleteren XII beer, produced at the Abbey of Saint Sixtus of Westvleteren (Belgium) has been chosen as the world’s best by thousands of experts. This year it was voted the “Best Beer in the World.” [1] As a result of the beer’s popularity, demand for this beer has skyrocketed … Read more

Terry Lowry Interview with John Horvat

Return to Order American Law Is Based on Higher Law

The Terry Lowry interview of John Horvat on Houston’s KKHT 100.7FM aired on December 9, 2013 about his book Return to Order and how it relates to the practice of medicine. If we had problems in the delivery of healthcare before, the current standardization under “Obamacare” further mechanizes medicine. What are the human institutions that … Read more

Getting the Story Right

Return to Order Getting the Story Right 3

A review of Infiltrated: How to Stop the Insiders and Activists Who are Exploiting the Financial Crisis to Control Our Lives and Our Fortunes (McGraw-Hill Professional, August 2013) by Dr. Jay Richards written by John Horvat II All too often economic decisions are not determined by the facts on the ground but by the way … Read more

Medieval Times Open on Christmas

It is ironic that a company that specializes in medieval reenactments would fail to consider imitating the period in its celebration of Christmas. However, that is what happens at the popular restaurant chain Medieval Times. Employees are working on Christmas. Sign Petition In fact, workers in the Middle Ages only worked 120-150 days in the … Read more

An Official and “Unofficial” Presentation at Ghent U.

I have wondered how student groups would react to Return to Order. After all, the socio-economic concepts in the book are very conservative and traditional. And the modern myth is that students are neither conservative nor traditional. It was hard to know what to expect. Such concerns were in mind at the first student-only meeting/signing … Read more

An Amsterdam Return to Order

When you think of Holland, there are all sorts of images that come to mind; dams, canals, picturesque cities and windmills. During a Return to Order book signing event in Amsterdam, it provided a taste of Holland that lived up to the legend. The November 29 event was held at Amsterdam’s St. Agnes’ Church in a … Read more

Gooey Butter Cakes

By Michael Jordan. In the book, Return to Order, John Horvat talks about healthy regionalism in this way: “Accordingly, they come to understand that their region is made for them and they for their region. For them, the region has a wide variety of supreme delights that no other place can offer.” The following article … Read more