How Neo-Paganism Enters Our Culture with the Idea of Child Sacrifice

How Neo-Paganism Enters Our Culture with the Idea of Child Sacrifice

In its May 2023 issue, the usually political magazine Commentary published an extensive essay, “The Return of Paganism.” The article’s main point was that ancient pagan practices are returning to use and are embedded in many “modern” movements. Ancient and Yet Modern The article opened with an account of the so-called transgender killer who murdered … Read more

In the Pro-life Battle, Avoid the Unprincipled Like the Plague

In the Pro-life Battle, Avoid the Unprincipled Like the Plague

Many political observers say the November 2022 elections and other by-elections were disastrous for those who took principled stands on cultural war issues. They claim Americans are tired of the culture wars. The mantra is that having rock-solid views leads to ballot defeat. Radical moderates, for that is what they are, now call for consensus, … Read more

Abortion Pills on Pharmacy Shelves: An Embittered Battle for the Unborn

Abortion Pills on Pharmacy Shelves: An Embittered Battle for the Unborn

Healthcare workers are pushing back against the increased promotion of abortion pills following a January ruling from the Food and Drug Administration, citing their religious rights to be exempted from selling the contraceptive pills. They are being joined in the fight against the abortion lobby by pro-life lawmakers, who are looking to further protect the … Read more

Moving Forward to the Next Phase in the Pro-Life Crusade

Moving Forward to the Next Phase in the Pro-Life Crusade

On this 50th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) celebrates the overturning of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision with all the pro-life multitudes nationwide. After so many years of marching, we have the joy of seeing the impossible made possible. God … Read more

Associated Press Redefining Language in its Push for Abortion

Associated Press Redefining Language in its Push for Abortion

The assault on reason, which undergirds the pro-abortion movement, has taken yet another step toward the absurd. A popular terminology guide for journalists has been altered to promote the abortionists’ cause further. The Associated Press (AP) Stylebook issued new guidelines instructing journalists about how to write about abortion. The AP Stylebook is a go-to resource … Read more

Why Do So Many Hate the March for Life?

Why Do So Many Hate the March for Life?

Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the annual March for Life will take place on January 20 in Washington, D.C., on the 50th anniversary of the infamous 1973 Supreme Court decision. Many inveterate pro-lifers have trudged up to the Supreme Court for decades and feel that now is not the time to rest upon laurels … Read more

President Biden Blasphemes Against the Faith

President Biden Blasphemes Against the Faith

President Joe Biden seemed to have reached the extreme limits of denying Church teaching with his aggressive promotion of abortion at every opportunity. After the Dobbs decision, the “Catholic” president has worked tirelessly and fanatically to sabotage the efforts of countless pro-life Catholics. To the scandal of so many, he has no fear of punishment … Read more

Being ‘Pro-Choice’ Is No Longer Enough. You Must Be Anti-Pro-Life

Being ‘Pro-Choice’ Is No Longer Enough. You Must Be Anti-Pro-Life

The overturning of Roe v. Wade has highlighted the inherently anti-life nature of the “pro-choice” advocates, with abortion campaigners urging ever stronger—and more violent—retaliation against pro-lifers. With the conflict between the pro-life cause and the pro-abortion movement now so public, it appears that it is not enough to be a “pro-choicer” to join the pro-abortion … Read more

What It’s Like Fighting Abortion in Chicago after Roe v. Wade

What It’s Like Fighting Abortion in Chicago after Roe v. Wade

“Not your body, not your choice. The baby’s body, the baby’s voice!” That slogan put pro-abortion liberals in downtown Chicago on the defensive when volunteers of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) visited the Windy City on August 15, 2022. With bagpipes, banners, and pro-family leaflets, TFP volunteers stepped … Read more