The Fight Against Abortion Must Focus on Combating a Childfree Culture

The Fight Against Abortion Must Focus on Combating a Childfree Culture

The Marxist perspective sees all things through an economic prism. Everything is about one class exploiting the others through power and money. Unfortunately, most people, even conservatives, adopt this skewed socio-economic view and make it the center of the debate. Conservative family policy is no exception. Thus, when the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade … Read more

Post-Roe Panic Grips Abortion Industry’s Lap Dogs in the Press

Post-Roe Panic Grips Abortion Industry’s Lap Dogs in the Press

Within the pro-life movement, the overturning of Roe v. Wade was greeted with guarded optimism. The pro-abortion folks, however, know that the decision deals a crippling blow to their side. “Outraged, Scared and Heartbroken” One reaction is fear, like this comment from Russ Feingold of the American Constitution Society: “I am outraged, scared, and heartbroken, … Read more

Three Reflections About the Defeat in Kansas

Three Reflections About the Defeat in Kansas

The defeat of the state ballot referendum about abortion in Kansas has the liberal establishment ablaze with talk about the need to take the middle route in a post-Dobbs world. If solid-red Kansas rejects the strong anti-abortion option, they argue, the position clearly has no future. Leftist commentators claim the right must “rethink” its strategies … Read more

Amazing! Texas Insurance Company Supports Employees Who Give Birth, Adopt Children

When the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overturned Roe v. Wade, woke companies nationwide rushed to announce they would finance their employees’ out-of-state abortion expenses. A Texas insurance company had a better idea. It welcomed the Supreme Court’s ruling by announcing it would offer financial support to parents who birth or adopt children. … Read more

Roe is Gone! Which Higher Law Will America Follow?

Roe is Gone! Which Higher Law Will America Follow?

Roe v. Wade is dead, and the next phase of the debate begins. From the moral perspective, the Dobbs decision decided nothing. However, from a constitutional perspective, it did determine three crucial things. First, abortion is not found in any nook, cranny or penumbra of the American Constitution. Secondly, the drafters of the Constitution did … Read more

Pope Francis’s Warm Welcome to Nancy Pelosi: A (not so) Subtle Message of Support for Abortionists

Pope Francis’s Warm Welcome to Nancy Pelosi: A (not so) Subtle Message of Support for Abortionists

Pope Francis remained silent as anti-abortion Catholics (and non-Catholics) around the world joyfully celebrated the Supreme Court’s landmark decision overturning Roe v. Wade, giving the impression he was at least uncomfortable if not displeased with it. Pope Francis’s Warm Welcome for Nancy Pelosi . . . Then, on June 29, the Solemnity of the Holy … Read more

Awesome Saint Inspires Heroism in Anti-Abortion Fight

Awesome Saint Inspires Heroism in Anti-Abortion Fight

It is astonishing and difficult to understand how a mother can cruelly murder through abortion the child she has conceived. In so doing, she stifles the first and most tangible affection bond between two beings: maternal love, which is present even among irrational animals. Also difficult to understand is how healthcare professionals are willing to … Read more

Five Crucial Lessons from the Uproar over Roe v. Wade

Five Crucial Lessons from the Uproar over Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Wade is dead. The decision to overturn it represents more than the end of a bad law. It changes the moral debate in America today. The uproar over the leaked opinion that preceded the ruling and now its dramatic aftermath contains five crucial lessons that must orient the post-Roe future. The lessons started … Read more