TFP National Conference 2013: Bringing America to Honor

Return to Order TFP National Conference 2013: Bringing America to Honor 1

On the last weekend of October, more than 200 supporters, members and friends of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) gathered for their annual national conference at the TFP headquarter in Spring Grove, Penn. The theme of conference was “Return to Order: Returning America to Honor.” John Horvat’s new … Read more

The Real Subject Matter of Economics

Return to Order How Do We Build an Organic Society? 1

Modern economics tends to reduce economic activity to formulae and equations. This is not the true subject matter of economics. Economic activities deal with human actions that are not predicable and thus cannot be reduced to the equations of an exact science. As economic historian Odd Langholm states: “The subject matter of economics is properly … Read more

Return to Order in Charleston

Return to Order Return to Order in Charleston 1

Charleston, and the book Return to Order, seem to fit together naturally. South Carolina’s premier city represents a traditional order of things that attracts people. Its splendid townhouses and restored downtown are proof that this order is not a relic of long ago but a dynamic force linked with its past that definitely has a … Read more

A “Fire Station” Book Signing

 By* It seemed the most unlikely place for a book signing. This was a traditional fire station a stone’s throw from the state capitol building in Topeka, Kansas. The place no longer serves its original purpose but is preserved by an association and used for public events However, in a certain sense it was … Read more

Return to Order Signing in St. Louis

Return to Order Return to Order Signing in St. Louis

Written by At an April 21 book signing in St. Louis, Mo., author John Horvat II presented his work, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go to St. Joe’s Java coffee shop. Nearly thirty people attended the signing … Read more

From the Mailbox: Was There Ever a True Order?

Among the questions and commentaries that have come in the mail about the book, Return to Order, there were some very excellent questions by a very kind lady. It occurred to me that others might have the same questions and so I would like to reply. Her questions could be summarized in the following manner: … Read more