Getting the Fundamentals Right About the Family

No institution in modern American life is as attacked as the family. Getting the fundamental notions of the family right is, therefore, crucial. A small, yet powerful, book, The Christian Institution of the Family: A Dynamic Force to Regenerate Society delves deeply into the nature and future of this vital institution. No one can read … Read more

Help Your Children Graduate? Stay Married

Children do better when their parents stay together. The above statement is obvious to pro-family advocates. While there may be exceptions to the general rule, they automatically accept that children in stable homes have a big advantage over their peers. A Cautionary Tale When I began my teaching career in the mid-eighties, I had the … Read more

Shrinking Populations Represent Shrinking Future

Many millennials and gen-z-ers never had the experience of “going out to play” in generally safe neighborhoods without constant parental supervision. High divorce rates and the rising influence of the Internet deprived them of this particularly formative part of their childhoods. Their schools reinforced the idea of constant supervision by an education philosophy that is … Read more

Drag Queens in Schools – Where Parents Have No Say

Promoters of “Drag Queen Story Hours” criticize those who protest at tax-payer supported libraries. They claim that if parents are upset, they should not take their children to the events. No one is forcing them to go, they say. It is their freedom to go or not to go. Such a claim is no longer … Read more

Telling Your Children about God When You Don’t Have Faith

You are a parent without faith living a normal life in today’s materialistic society. You watch your children grow, and you are proud of them. However, you see they need structure and a purpose in life that you can’t provide for them. Something is missing that leads your children to experience bouts of depression and … Read more

The Tragic Child Victims Of Their Parents Selfishness

“The demon of divorce loves to haunt the hearts of its children.” This troubling statement appears in the book, Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak, edited by Leila Miller. Divorce has severely weakened society. However, few have visited the hearts of children haunted by the demon of divorce. These people are given a … Read more

‘No’: The Word Every Parent Needs to Use


Modern pedagogy — that is, the pedagogical, psychological, and psychiatric schools of the ’60s — advocated that parents never say “no” to their children. These pedagogues taught that prohibiting a child from anything from sucking his thumb to attending bad movies would cause a negative traumatic experience. In May of 1968 the Sorbonne Revolution launched … Read more

How “Drag Queen” Shows Destroy Children’s Innocence

In and of itself, the idea of bringing together young children in public libraries to listen to stories told by a gifted storyteller is good. It nurtures the sense of wonder, which is so important in childhood. However, numerous libraries around the country are distorting this idea today. They are bringing together children age 3 … Read more