Who Will Save Notre Dame Cathedral from the Wreckovators?

Who Will Save Notre Dame Cathedral from the Wreckovators?

Catholics sighed with relief when state officials gave in to public pressure and decided to rebuild Notre Dame identically as it was before the tragic 2019 fire. The venerable 850-year old structure is part of the soul of the French nation. Any modernizations are rightly looked upon with suspicion. Ironically, the secular and hostile French … Read more

There Is More to the Metric System Than Meters

There Is More to the Metric System Than Meters

As time passes, the metric system dominates the modern world country by country. Its quasi-universal acceptance might lead people to think everyone is partial to it. However, the relatively modern metric system is in place in all but three countries. Those who prefer the supposedly outdated British system for official use are the United States, … Read more

Is Pope Francis Enabling Homo-Heresy Inside the Church?

Is Pope Francis Enabling Homo-Heresy Inside the Church?

In a Symbolic Detonation, Germany’s Church Blessings for Same-Sex Pairs Trigger Open Revolt On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther, a friar without a vocation, nailed his libel of revolt at the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg, Saxony. Although everything had already been prepared for this revolt, that symbolic gesture triggered from the … Read more

Six Reasons Why Catholics Must Oppose Critical Race Theory

A political theory stands behind the racial unrest shaking the nation. It employs expressions like “systemic racism” to describe the nation’s attitude toward racial relationships. The theory is called Critical Race Theory (CRT). It has long incubated in leftist academia. Its central thesis makes race the prism through which all aspects of life must be … Read more

Five Powerful Reasons To Appreciate God This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, the COVID crisis threatens and discourages all the material trappings that usually characterize the secularized holiday: big family get-togethers, sporting events and “Black Friday” shopping binges. We are left with a more subdued atmosphere that is conducive to thinking about higher things. There is much to consider.  It seems that so much that … Read more

Getting the Fundamentals Right About the Family

No institution in modern American life is as attacked as the family. Getting the fundamental notions of the family right is, therefore, crucial. A small, yet powerful, book, The Christian Institution of the Family: A Dynamic Force to Regenerate Society delves deeply into the nature and future of this vital institution. No one can read … Read more

The Coronavirus Is a Call to Return to God

Our reaction to the coronavirus reflects the crisis of our secular godless society. The problem is not the virus—as potentially lethal as it might be. This outbreak is a biological fact, like so many that have plagued humanity over the ages. Free Book: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where … Read more