The Recent French Elections Are a Sign of Deep Trouble for the Left

The Recent French Elections Are a Sign of Deep Trouble for the Left

What happens in France tends to influence the rest of the world. For better or for worse, it remains a bellwether country and an incubator of political ideas and trends. For that reason, the Western media closely followed the recent elections for the French National Assembly. The results left the French right bitterly disappointed, and … Read more

Notre Dame’s Rebuilding Touches France to the Core

Something about Notre Dame Cathedral overwhelms and fascinates the postmodern mind. Even in its present damaged state, the charred building commands the world’s attention. The cathedral’s authenticity prevailed over all attempts to disfigure it with a restoration of brutal modernistic redesigns. When the spire and roof burned and collapsed on that fateful April 15, 2019, … Read more

A Symbolic Knife Attack Announces the Decapitation of the West

Two bloody beheadings by Islamic militants in France shocked the world. The French government and the media are trying to frame the attacks as only the work of isolated fanatics exposed to radicalized Islam. Such an evaluation is a mistake. Something more ominous is contained in these ghastly deeds. The crimes sent a message that … Read more

Tremendous Victory: Notre Dame Cathedral Will Be Exactly Restored

Seeing the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris ablaze shocked many people, regardless of the depth of their religious sense. As the long day dragged into the night of April 15, 2019, news cameras of the world were trained on the fire. Many Parisians sang mournfully and prayed. Reporters discussed the cathedral’s importance as a … Read more

The Great Plague of Marseille (1720): A Lesson in Faith and Confidence in the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Three hundred years ago, on May 25, 1720, the ship Grand Saint-Antoine docked in Marseille, France, coming from Syria. Due to negligence, laxity and corruption, the port and municipal authorities allowed an illegal passenger to disembark: the bacillus plague. The events that followed are remembered in history under the name of “The Great Plague of Marseille.”1 1720: … Read more