When “Social Justice” Becomes the Enemy of Actual Justice—California’s Destructive “Racial Justice Act”

When “Social Justice” Becomes the Enemy of Actual Justice—California’s Destructive “Racial Justice Act”

California’s “Racial Justice Act” threatens to turn the very idea of justice on its head. The Act is a product of the overheated summer of 2020, an indirect result of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis the previous May. Self-Congratulation When he signed the Act, Governor Gavin Newsome’s celebratory press release contained a quotation from the … Read more

We Must Not Ask Our Police to Do the Impossible

We are asking our police officers to do the impossible. In the present atmosphere of great decadence, they cannot keep order. We have saddled them with the task of enforcing the law while constantly undermining it through our culture. Until we address this contradiction, the police’s task will be an exercise in futility. The Wrong … Read more

How Far Can Transgender Tyranny Go?

In the “woke” world, nothing trumps the impossible quest to change one’s sex. Two recent events highlight this tragic conclusion. The first case concerns a prisoner’s transfer in the California penal system. He “identifies” as a woman and will soon transfer to a women’s prison. The second incident comes from free-lance family defender Elizabeth Johnston. … Read more

Could Critical Race Theory Become the Law of the Land?

Critical race theory holds that society is “structurally racist” and that only its wholesale “restructuring” can fix the problem. Many schools and workplaces have embraced the idea by implementing training programs. Employees are browbeaten into accepting the concept and then forced to take their own “responsibility” in perpetuating a racist society. Those courageous enough to … Read more

The Real Issue at the Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearings

Everyone knows the Supreme Court Justice confirmation hearings are not about Amy Coney Barrett, her qualifications or the Constitution. Of course, everyone goes through the theatrics of what the hearings are supposed to be. The Senate Judiciary Committee’s liberal members will dutifully cast themselves as the Constitution’s guardians. They will dramatically insist that the nominee … Read more

Justice Comes to All, Even to Supreme Court Judges

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at the age of 87. Immediate tributes poured in from all over the world, praising this activist judge who contributed to so many important decisions that will affect America negatively for decades to come. Most encomiums praised her tenacity, talents and abilities. They celebrated her academic and legal … Read more

How Leftists Try to Turn Crime into Virtue

In today’s polarized America, Supreme Court cases are rarely decided unanimously. Rarer yet is a case that is a defeat for the left. However, this is what happened in the case of United States v. Sineneng-Smith. Evelyn Sineneng-Smith operated an “immigration counseling firm” in San Jose, California. Even though she was not a lawyer, her … Read more

Are Progressive Prosecutors the Enemies of Public Safety?

In November, most Americans will go to their polling places. Most will have decided which candidates they will vote for president, governor, senator and legislator. However, very few will have informed opinions about the district attorney. Free Book: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got … Read more

Sin and Vice Do Not Belong in the GDP

Economics can be a brutal science. Its focus is limited to a particular part of human activity that deals with the process of wealth creation, acquisition, production, and consumption. It measures what has, and not what should have, been done. Economics is also a science of measurements. By calculating profits and losses, businessmen can plan … Read more