The 2024 March for Life: Why The Pro-Life Movement Cannot and Will Not Surrender

The 2024 March for Life: Why The Pro-Life Movement Cannot and Will Not Surrender

Hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans gathered in the nation’s capital on January 19, 2024, for the annual March for Life, marking 51 years since the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision legalized procured abortion in America. Members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) participated in the event, encouraging and … Read more

Sometimes It Takes a Baby to Bring Out the Humanity in Us

Sometimes It Takes a Baby to Bring Out the Humanity in Us

Air travel today might be considered the triumph of individualism. It involves people in their own bubbles rushing to destinations with little human contact. It is a case of Hobbes’ “every man against every man” as all travelers compete with each other to navigate inside the lonely crowd. All think about themselves in a climate … Read more

Abortion Pills on Pharmacy Shelves: An Embittered Battle for the Unborn

Abortion Pills on Pharmacy Shelves: An Embittered Battle for the Unborn

Healthcare workers are pushing back against the increased promotion of abortion pills following a January ruling from the Food and Drug Administration, citing their religious rights to be exempted from selling the contraceptive pills. They are being joined in the fight against the abortion lobby by pro-life lawmakers, who are looking to further protect the … Read more

Why the D.C. March for Life Must Grow Stronger Than Ever

Why the D.C. March for Life Must Grow Stronger Than Ever

For fifty years, the March for Life has annoyed the left and liberal media. On the anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision, hundreds of thousands have marched to the Supreme Court annually to ask for its overturning. Every year, the media could be counted upon to ignore or underreport the event and find … Read more

Moving Forward to the Next Phase in the Pro-Life Crusade

Moving Forward to the Next Phase in the Pro-Life Crusade

On this 50th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) celebrates the overturning of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision with all the pro-life multitudes nationwide. After so many years of marching, we have the joy of seeing the impossible made possible. God … Read more