How the Catholic Faith Strengthens Police on the Beat

It is politically correct to criticize institutions that do not follow the left’s agenda. While the media are sympathetic to so-called oppressed people and movements, they have a deep antipathy for the police forces who restrain violence and disorder. Thus, violent crime against police is happening everywhere. However, the increase in anti-police violence in the … Read more

This Is America’s New Face of Brutal Rage and Chaos

In the year 49 B.C., Julius Caesar moved his forces into Italy over a small insignificant stream called the Rubicon. In so doing, he violated the law that forbade generals to move troops out of their assigned provinces. Caesar realized the seriousness of his decision by declaring “The die is cast!” The result was a … Read more

10 Amazing Ideas In ‘Return to Order’ That Will Inspire You

Return to Order Why Return to Order? 1

The book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go helps people understand better where we went wrong in our society and culture. Author John Horvat II provides insights into our society in crisis. He also outlines what a … Read more

Investment Strategies for 2019 and the Next Crash

I was recently asked for advice about investment strategies for the coming times. It is a reasonable request since we as Christians need to plan for the future responsibly. It makes sense to look at all the options whether they be stocks, bonds, commodities or other assets. If there is going to be another big … Read more

Four Characteristics of the Liberal Mind That Are Destroying Society

Conservatives often blame liberals for the breakdown in society today. After all, liberals challenged an order that existed and replaced it with a situation that is now unraveling. This unraveling can be traced to the efforts of liberal activists to influence legislation and elections and to liberal control of the media that shape the debate. … Read more

Lighting the Way to a Life That Makes Sense

Lighting the Way to a Life That Makes Sense

The new book Lighting the Way: Stories that Show How Our Culture Went Wrong and How We Can Restore Order is a collection of stories arranged to illustrate an idea. The idea is that of the organic Christian society. That is an unfamiliar idea to many, although we live in and around many such organic … Read more

Why I Use the Word Catholic to Describe the Ideal Economy

The adjective Catholic is rarely employed to describe the ideal economy we need. Many would see its use as mere window dressing to make the free market appear a bit more compassionate. Everyone knows that the business of creating wealth comes from industry and business. The accountant’s ledger is the only true measure of this … Read more

What the Coming Uncivil War Is Really About

What the Coming Uncivil War Is Really About

There is talk of a new American civil war. Indeed, the vitriol of opposing parties is reaching levels heretofore unseen. It is especially vicious now over the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. There is nothing civil about this coming war. For now, it is still a culture battle, but it might be better labeled as … Read more

Three Things America Needs from the New Supreme Court Justice

Three Things America Needs From the New Supreme Court Justice

Justice Anthony Kennedy has just announced his retirement from the Supreme Court. Everyone is talking about who will be his replacement. Much is at stake. For the liberals, it could spell the end to the precarious situation in which Kennedy’s swing vote has brought them many major victories and some small defeats. For the conservatives, … Read more