Three Things America Needs from the New Supreme Court Justice

Three Things America Needs From the New Supreme Court Justice

Justice Anthony Kennedy has just announced his retirement from the Supreme Court. Everyone is talking about who will be his replacement. Much is at stake. For the liberals, it could spell the end to the precarious situation in which Kennedy’s swing vote has brought them many major victories and some small defeats. For the conservatives, … Read more

New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope

New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope - John Horvat and Norman Fulkerson Illustrate Themes Found in ‘Return to Order’

    For Immediate Release Contact: John Horvat Return to Order Phone: 717-309-7147 E-mail: [email protected] Photos available upon request New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope John Horvat and Norman Fulkerson Illustrate Themes Found in ‘Return to Order’ YORK, Penn. (June 5, 2018) An exciting new book addressing the restoration of America’s moral compass has just … Read more

Natural and Organic Life v. Artificial & Mechanical Existence

Return to Order Natural and Organic Life v. Artificial & Mechanical Existence 1

  A room with cleverly calculated proportions: wide enough and with a high enough ceiling to simultaneously convey the harmonious yet contrary impressions of warmth and relief. It easily accommodates the furniture, paintings, chandelier, and people with enough space for them to move about naturally, without bumping into something or someone. The furnishings are not … Read more

Baby Boomer Gives Gun Protesters Something to Think About

Return to Order Baby Boomer Gives Gun Protesters Something to Think About 1

Dear young friend, I have watched your protests against gun violence and could not help but recall my own youth. As a child of the Sixties, I was born of a generation that also had protests. I recall my desires to change the world and make it a better place by challenging everything. I remember … Read more

Dealing with a Walk-Away World

Return to Order Dealing with a Walk-Away World 3

A colleague told me of an intriguing incident at a conference of accountants that were studying recent changes in tax regulations. One speaker gave a talk on recruiting new staff and how to deal with turnover. An attendee then asked a question remarking that from the context of her presentation, it seemed companies were facing … Read more

Need a Speaker for 2018?

Return to Order Fourth Printing of ‘Return to Order’ Contributes to the Debate over Nation’s Future

If you like the ideas found in the book, Return to Order, now is the time to schedule author John Horvat II to address your group or gathering for 2018. Over the years, Mr. Horvat has spoken at hundreds of events and functions with his clear message to bring America back to God and Christian … Read more

The Educational Importance of Manners

Return to Order The Educational Importance of Manners 1

At first glance it might seem rather forced to make a connection between education and manners. In our secular society, manners like morals seem to be optional in the formation of youth. It is something relegated to parents to teach children at the dinner table if and when they eat together. Manners are a feel … Read more

Who Will Banish the Madmen in Education?

Return to Order Always Too Little, Too Late: The Plight of Modern Education 1

Young people get blamed for a lot of things. They’re called snowflakes for withering and melting at the least criticism or politically incorrect commentary. They are deemed irresponsible and accused of merely “adulting” when they manage to handle the life decisions typical of adults. And now the Department of Education’s latest financial report finds them … Read more

The Real Foundation of American Law: Natural Law

Return to Order Why Do We Punish Our Natural Leaders? 2

There can be no doubt about the intention of the Founders regarding the basis of American law. America was founded upon a notion of all law subject to a higher law, that is, natural law. Free Book: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society Where Weve Been, How We Got … Read more