President Biden’s False Compassion Forces Reluctant States to Fly the Transgender Banner

President Biden’s False Compassion Forces Reluctant States to Fly the Transgender Banner

Arizona, Arkansas and Tennessee ban sex change procedures for those under eighteen. Florida’s Department of Health officially recommends against them. Texas investigates those who seek such procedures for minors. Order Today: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go … Read more

Imagining a Heretical President

Imagining a Heretical President

Bishop Thomas Paprocki recently pointed to a crisis in the Church with his article “Imagining a Heretical Cardinal.” The learned canon lawyer masterfully laid out his case by quoting the positions of a “hypothetical” Cardinal (taken from an article written by San Diego Cardinal Robert McElroy, without mentioning his name). It does not take much … Read more

President Biden Blasphemes Against the Faith

President Biden Blasphemes Against the Faith

President Joe Biden seemed to have reached the extreme limits of denying Church teaching with his aggressive promotion of abortion at every opportunity. After the Dobbs decision, the “Catholic” president has worked tirelessly and fanatically to sabotage the efforts of countless pro-life Catholics. To the scandal of so many, he has no fear of punishment … Read more

The Biden Death Tax: An Attack on Ideas America Holds Dear

The Biden Death Tax: An Attack on Ideas America Holds Dear

The death tax provision of President Biden’s “American Families Plan” not only financially punishes people receiving inherited assets but also attacks the values of tradition, family and property. By turning deaths and gifts into mere “transactions,” the Biden Administration displays an alarming disregard for protecting American families and their property. Additionally, these new legal proposals … Read more

President Biden: End Cuba’s Communist Regime Once and for All

President Biden: End Cuba’s Communist Regime Once and for All

As the Communist Cuban government brutally suppresses protests in the streets, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins those who deplore Marxism in all its forms to demand an end to the country’s communist dictatorship. The time has come to rally around the abandoned Cuban people that have suffered … Read more

President Biden, Holy Communion, and the Catholic Civil War

On June 18, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) voted 168 to 55 to draft a document outlining conditions for the proper reception of Holy Communion for Catholics. The Doctrine Committee of the Bishops Conference will write and submit it for approval at the bishops’ November gathering. Although his name was not mentioned … Read more

The Family Is the Only Thing Missing in Biden’s “American Families Plan”

The latest liberal plan to save the nation is the Administration’s American Families Plan. It is heralded as a lifesaver for struggling families. Finally, Americans can supposedly enjoy the long-overdue benefits similar to those enjoyed by citizens benefiting from Europe’s extensive social safety net. The Plan’s wish list is impressive. There is affordable child care … Read more

Beware! The Infrastructure Bill Is the “Green New Deal in Disguise”

When Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez co-sponsored the Green New Deal in 2019, most people ridiculed the plan as the ravings of a misguided millennial. The measures seemed outlandish in the face of an economy built on fossil fuels, unlimited travel and global abundance. Many dismissed her notions as political fantasy. However, such outlandish proposals have a … Read more