How Do We Build an Organic Society?

Return to Order How Do We Build an Organic Society? 1

Upon describing organic society, questions remain as to how we might build such a society. The answer is quite simple. We must do it in the same manner as our ancestors did at the dawn of this civilization. We must understand, as they understood, that it is not enough that we follow the Ten Commandments … Read more

The ‘Weinsteinization’ of Everything Rotten

Return to Order The ‘Weinsteinization’ of Everything Rotten

The spectacular fall of Harvey Weinstein represents more than just the rejection of the appalling behavior of a Hollywood mogul. Rather, it is the unsurprising confirmation that Hollywood is rotten. The behavior of Hollywood producers and actors merely reflects the movies with their violence, immorality, and profanity. As the Weinstein case broadens to include others … Read more

The Questionable Value of Modern Advertising

Return to Order The Questionable Value of Modern Advertising

Return to Order criticizes modern advertising for creating dissatisfaction and constantly inciting consumers with promises of bigger and better products. The book recommends the more natural word-of-mouth advertising that utilizes personal experience with products and the calm influence of representative figures, which together choose products that help form a culture. Such a perception of natural … Read more

Where Are the Nation’s Captains?

Return to Order Those Who Pray for Us and Move the World 2

Traveling by air these days can be stressful. It is increasingly difficult to go on a trip without some incident happening like the recent tussle on United Airlines Flight 3411. More often, however, flights are being canceled or delayed due to mechanical or weather problems. This can lead to hours of waiting at the gates … Read more

From the Mail: Is Profit Man’s Only Motivation?

Return to Order Taking Away Our Sense of Wonder 2

I received a very kind letter from a gentleman who read and appreciated many of the concepts found in Return to Order. However, after some generous compliments about the work, he concluded that the application of the book’s principles is highly unlikely. “Human nature being what it is,” he noted, “the prospect of people’s acting … Read more

Submission: Is it too late for France?

Return to Order Submission: Is it too late for France? 1

Written by Ben Broussard. Michel Houllebecq is making waves in Europe with his latest novel. Soumission (Submission) paints a picture of France in the not-too-distant future which most readers have found quite compelling due to its believability. A bestseller on for weeks, and now flying off the shelves in German translation, Soumission presents a … Read more

Do We Want a Business Model for Our Country?

Return to Order Do We Want a Business Model for Our Country? 2

With the nation polarized and unable to move forward, many people are suggesting that what our country needs is a business model for governing. Forget about the moral issues. Run the nation like a business and everything will come out all right. Find a candidate who gets things done in business and that person will … Read more

The Monsters Among Us


Another horrible mass murder has taken place and the nation mourns. It is yet one more incident in a string of such crimes that has come to characterize our sad times. Is Technology Ruining Your Life? Take A Quick Quiz To Find Out By Clicking Here. While the Charleston shootings have undoubted racial overtones, the … Read more

Standing Up for Marriage: We Are Not Alone

Return to Order Standing Up for Marriage: We Are Not Alone

On a Saturday afternoon all across America, something absolutely extraordinary happened. What happened was the June 13th holding of 3,233 rallies in highly public places in which participants prayed for the future of God’s marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Is Technology Ruining Your Life? Take A Quick Quiz To Find … Read more

Rallies Bind God to Fight for True Marriage

Return to Order Rallies Bind God to Fight for True Marriage 1

by Robert E. Ritchie* Three thousand prayer rallies all across America will implore Almighty God’s help for traditional marriage. As the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to hand down its decision on same-sex “marriage” any day now, activists are holding over 3,000 prayer rallies for traditional marriage in the streets of American towns and cities. Like … Read more