How the Revival of Catholic Architecture in England Changed the Way People Prayed

How the Revival of Catholic Architecture in England Changed the Way People Prayed

In the good times when people had faith, churches were the most beautiful and elevated buildings in cities. Churches provided an environment conducive to prayer when people raised their minds to God. One example among thousands is how religious architecture marked Catholicism in nineteenth-century England when Catholics were a minority. During the early centuries of … Read more

When Children Stop Believing in God, Schools Play a Major Role

Recently, National Review published an article with an intriguing and terrifying title, “Why American Children Stopped Believing in God.” It discusses the effects of public education on the faith-life of children. The last line is blunt. “But the only real road to religious revival is the one that begins with each parent’s first step out … Read more

Why Do They Invoke the God Whose Law They Ignore?

President Biden’s inauguration ceremony was full of symbolism and imponderables. Tension in the air dominated the empty mall as thousands of National Guard troops surrounded the Capitol. The scene was marked not with somber solemnity but nervous inquietude in the face of a divided nation. One curious observation about the ceremony was its profoundly religious … Read more

How Liberals Turned Freedom into Tyranny

  Ryszard Legutko knows about freedom. He experienced a lack of freedom when his native Poland was under communism, and the State controlled everything. He felt the exhilaration of liberation when the captive nation was freed in 1989. And now he senses the suffocating climate of freedom’s suppression by ideologues that proclaim freedom yet deliver … Read more

Why True Beauty Attracts And Converts Youth

A recent study by a youth organization linked to England’s Anglican Church states that “church buildings are very influential in the conversion of youth to Christianity.” Analyzing this study, the Daily Telegraph of London quotes that “around 13 percent of teenagers said that they decided to become a Christian after a visit to a church … Read more

Why Are the Bishops Trying to Be More Like Caesar than Caesar?

In times of disaster in America, public authority has always called upon God to come to the nation’s aid. The call is to a vague God. Our religious consensus recognizes only “Nature’s God” without going into specifics. Unlike secular Europe, America has always favored religion as a means to ensure God’s material and spiritual blessings … Read more

Can You Have a Church Without God?

The “Jesus People” of the late sixties tried to combine the hippie lifestyle with Christianity. They found traditional worship stifling and unstructured fellowship appealing. Their motto could be “I want God in my life, but not a church.” The movement quickly died; God without religion didn’t work. Today’s disenchanted have turned the formula around. They … Read more

Three Surprising Reasons Why Democrats Avoid Religion

Looking over the political landscape, many point to the decline in religious practice as the handwriting on the wall that the political future belongs to the unchurched, atheists and agnostics. Liberals conclude it is only a matter of time before the secular tide will turn in their favor. Let people cling to their religion for … Read more