Four Reasons Why I Never Tried Marijuana

As someone who has never tried marijuana, many would disqualify me from having an opinion. I cannot say how it affects the mind. I cannot calibrate the intensity of the experience nor compare it with smoking or alcohol. Thus, many would say that I am a killjoy who has no right to deprive others of an … Read more

Little Sisters of the Poor Deserve Mercy!

One of the most shocking executions during the French Revolution was that of four sisters, Gabrielle, Marguerite, Claire and Olympe Vaz de Mello. After the death of their parents, these pious ladies devoted their lives to caring for the sick and downtrodden. In spite of their goodness, or rather because of it, they were dragged … Read more

What Happens When We Abandon God

After the 2016 elections, many tried to explain what happened. Some theories are not convincing since they seem to hide a darker reality of which we dare not speak. Others appear a bit too simplified to explain what we experience in daily life. To start the process of understanding our crisis, we need a clear vision. … Read more

How to Find and Prosper in the Ultimate “Safe Space”

The book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to An Organic Christian Community – Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go, does not provide a detailed blueprint for a return to the world of God’s order.  Many may be frustrated by this lack of detail. However, author John … Read more

Why Economics Alone Will Not Get America Right With God

There is a major problem with books written solely from an economic prism. Consider the fact that the American economy is booming by all major indicators. Unemployment is down to record lows. Inflation is minimal. Consumer confidence is up. We have not seen times like this for decades. Admittedly, wages are still low, and debt levels … Read more

A Bold Defense of Liturgical Tradition

A Review of Peter A. Kwasniewski’s Tradition and Sanity “A traditionalist is one who sees the Faith, in its inner structure, as something handed down to us, not something we invent, assess, and re-create by our own lights. It is an organic set of ideas, practices, and attitudes that give birth to a culture of … Read more

Human Composting: The Ultimate Denial of the Soul

From time immemorial, people have buried the dead. Sometimes they even risked their lives to carry out this most basic duty. In times of persecution, for example, Christians put themselves in great danger to recover the bodies of martyrs so that they might receive the holy rites of Christian burial. The Old Testament recounts the … Read more

Anno Domini or Common Era?

Since about 1975, a sign of revolution has crept into American life. It is a quiet revolution, done without fanfare. To many, it may appear to be trivial. They likely bought into it because it appears to be the way to get along. It is the replacement of the abbreviations B.C. and A.D. with B.C.E. … Read more

Those Who Are More Educated Are More Religious

Return to Order Those Who Are More Educated Are More Religious 1

Marx taught that religion is the opium of the masses. His simplistic view held that it is the simple folk that cling to religion, while more enlightened educated people do not need such spiritual attachments or “superstitions.” Reason alone suffices to explain everything. The more educated individuals are, the more likely they will be to … Read more