The Old, Gray, Catholic Left Isn’t What it Used to Be and Faces a Desolate Future

The Old, Gray, Catholic Left Isn’t What it Used to Be and Faces a Desolate Future

Leftist and progressive forces always present themselves as the wave of the future. Indeed, Marxism’s Hegelian roots postulate history as a process of clashing classes inevitably evolving forward. The Catholic left likewise frames its liberation theology and similar programs in these terms. Marxist theory is very clear about the forward pace of history. However, it … Read more

Beating a Dead Horse: The L.A. Religious Education Congress Needs to Stop Pushing Progressivism and Give Tradition a Chance

Beating a Dead Horse: The L.A. Religious Education Congress Needs to Stop Pushing Progressivism and Give Tradition a Chance

On February 24-26, 2023, the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (REC) will meet in person for the first time since the implementation of Covid restrictions in 2020. The REC has long been popularized as the largest gathering of Catholics in the country. Organizers claim past events have been attended by upwards of 40,000 participants. However, … Read more

Tradition: How It Keeps Us Alive and Well

Tradition: How It Keeps Us Alive and Well

There is no doubt that humanity has benefitted from many advances that modernity has brought to the world. However, along with these benefits, modernity has also caused suffering, destruction, and loss of lives. These negative factors are now reaching crisis proportions and polarizing the nation as we search for solutions. As a result of this … Read more

Feminists Claim Dating is Broken. Tradition Might Help

Feminists Claim Dating is Broken. Tradition Might Help

An article in The New York Times talks about courtship. The author, Michal Leibowitz, writes wistfully about arranged marriages. Perhaps, she muses, it is time for them to return. The article “Dating Is Broken. Going Retro Could Fix It” is not particularly uplifting. It carries an amoral and pseudo-practical tone in which traditional practices are … Read more

The Queen: A Canadian Subject Remembers…

The Queen: A Canadian Subject Remembers...

As a young Canadian from a rural town in Northern Ontario, half a world away from Queen Elizabeth II, I can say she profoundly influenced my life. The Queen represented a whole world of tradition and ceremony that was so crucial for me, growing up in a world that increasingly despises such things. She was … Read more

Five Hopeful Signs that Can Encourage us in 2022

Five Hopeful Signs that Can Encourage us in 2022

In times of crisis like ours, there is the constant temptation for discouragement. The challenges we face are indeed great. All around us, there are signs of decadence and decay. Instead of great hope, many will greet the year 2022 with gloom and anxiety. The proper balance is neither underestimating our dire situation nor engaging … Read more

A Battle Plan for Defeating the Secularist State Religion

The left’s worldview—secularism—is a religion. Secularists treat the state like Christians treat God. This contention is a primary point of an excellent new book, Under Siege: No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholicby Austin Ruse. The author sets the stage by showing how Catholics are under constant attack. The secularists believe that they have … Read more

Pierre Cardin: The Death of a Man Who Destroyed Fashion

As 2020 finally came to an end, someone very important died. He was not a politician or statesman. He was not part of academia or the business world. However, his corrupting influence impacted generations. Few have not been exposed to his work. The man was the fashion designer, Pierre Cardin. He died on December 29, … Read more

17 Reasons Why the Left Hates the Catholic Faith

As leftist activism and violence increase, Americans must understand that the leftist agenda represents not just a political movement but a worldview contrary to that of the Catholic Faith. Wherever the left has dominated, a radical hatred toward the Faith and those who belong to it is displayed. However, until the left is in control, … Read more