One of the main calumnies about the Middle Ages is it was backwards, illiterate, and inefficient. It is often falsely coined the “Dark Ages.” Is it true that this time period was really backwards and lacking in progress?
Rather, was this time an explosion of enthusiasm and love for Holy Mother Church, which consequently brought about great marvels which continue to bless and benefit mankind until today?
The latter seems to be the most logical and consistent with historical data and tradition.
This is the reason why the Middle Ages is so calumniated. It was the sole love of Jesus Christ, His Mother, and the Holy Catholic Church, that sparked the invention and development of civilization. We will focus on one of the many inventions men benefit from today, nearly a thousand years later, which is the compass.

While the origins of the compass are disputed, the rudiment compass was independently developed in China and Europe around the 12th century. Until then, mariners navigated by landmarks and star constellations. It wasn’t until around the early 14th century that the dry compass, or mariner’s compass was developed and perfected in Europe. The compass permitted sailors to travel without having to worry about season, since overcast skies were a major detriment to following the stars.
Even now, the compass is an essential tool for an array of activities, especially survival. Almost every survival kit contains one. If stranded in the mountains on a hiking trip, a compass allows the lost person to find his way to safety. Best of all, its battery life is always at 100 percent.
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While the compass is not a multipurpose, do everything, check your emails, bank account, and update your Facebook status device, it has a purpose, and this purpose has been faithfully serving mankind for the past 800 years.
But, why opt for something stable that has proven itself reliable for almost a millennium, when you’re in distress, if you can pull up the iCompass app on your phone, which many times crashes and dies due to low battery?